8: Just Once (NSFW)

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This one's a little longer than the previous chapters ;) 

TW: Nasty shit (what y'all really started reading for)

This chapter contains s*xual activities (fingering (fem. receiving), oral (male receiving), vaginal seggs). 


"Are you sure about this?" He heard you groan before you flipped him over and straddled him.

Your face hovered above his as you uttered, "You know, you're proving to be annoying in bed too?" Cupping his jaw, you crashed onto his lips, growing more and more eager by the second.

He let out a deep chuckle while still kissing you, squeezing your ass as he turned you over again. "You won't be saying that in a while, don't worry," he said in your ear and continued kissing down your figure.

You were panting for him. He kissed your cleavage as he brushed his thumb against your nipples, making you bite down on your lip. You called him out. "Tease."

He pressed a little harder this time, even drew circles around the hardened skin, occasionally sucking on the parts of your pushed out breasts. You arched your back and he got the hint. He took his arms behind and unclasped your bra, and you were a little... shy. 

You'd known Levi since diapers. And now he was about to fuck you.

Your eyes shut tight. You didn't want to see his reaction. When the piece of clothing left your body, your hands gripped onto the bed sheets.

Levi's brain was crowded with the number of things he wanted to do with you when he saw you braless. It took everything in him to not growl at the sight, and he was concerned about how he'd feel when you get completely naked. He'd probably go insane.

You felt his warm tongue meet your nipple while his hand worked on the other one. He was doing too much to take in. It was like he was a professional, savouring every piece of you. One time he's circling around, and then he's swirling his tongue, and then he's grazing the tip teasingly with his nail, and then he's giving slight pinches, and then he's kneading, and then he's-

"Levi-" You let out a breathy moan. You were pretty sure he left a few hickeys near your breasts before he moved down to your stomach. He trailed a line of open-mouthed kisses down your body to your panties and he began to kiss from the top to the ends of both your hip bones. This felt like worship.

Your legs spread themselves more, begging to receive some sort of friction. And then all contact was lost. You opened your eyes to see Levi on top of you, resting on his forearms. "What's wrong?" You asked him. He said nothing but his fingers did respond as they stroked against your wetness ever so slightly. You slightly shuddered.

He stroked again, this time with a tiny bit of pressure while his eyes never left yours. And he stroked again, this time letting his thumb rub against your centre while his index flicked the area of your clit.

He was driving you insane. "Take them off." You pleaded.

"Take what off?" He asked you, pressing down on your clitoris through your underwear.

You almost whined. "Levi." You didn't want to specify because he knew what you wanted all too well.

He let out a small chuckle. "Stupid girl," His hands went to the strap of your panties and pulled them down in one swift motion. Your legs shivered when the cold air suddenly hit your wetness. Levi's index dragged itself against the lengths of your folds. Your breath hitched in your throat. "You're wet as fuck."

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