21: Apparent Boyfriend

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You were a fucking mess.

A mess so messy that Connie questioned why you thought you being there in this condition would reduce his mess.

As much as you tried to get your head back in the game, you couldn't think straight while working. And somehow the day was done before you knew it. Somehow a couple days were done before you knew it.

As you prepared the cups for Maria's Bachelorette party, you couldn't help but think of how Levi didn't text you. You blew it, didn't you? You screwed up and you screwed up bad.

Meanwhile, Levi was having an existential crisis. It had been days of him coming up with ideas to approach you. 

Honestly, he was scared. Scared that even if he got you, you'd leave him too, by choice or not.

Erwin did try to knock some sense into him. That if he avoided stuff he was scared of, he'd never be able to know how things could've gone. Worse comes to worst, he'd have to go through more pain. The immense, unbearable pain of losing you. But what if things go a different way? What if he'd just get the best thing that's ever happened to him?

The party went fine. Hange was the main planner, and Maria did have a good amount of friends.

You tried to distract yourself. Okay, Levi didn't appreciate you kissing him (though he did kiss you back) and that's why he was distancing himself. Because he probably thought you were showing unwanted emotions.

But... Hey, that wasn't Levi-y. Maybe he was just busy. Or freaked out? Yeah, he'd approach you if you gave him some time. You didn't know the present-Levi that much, but the little him was never really straightforward unless it came to opinions. He had strong opinions and he was honest about them.

But feelings? That was something you always had to force out of him. He was a tough nut to crack, but he did have a soft spot for you. You smiled at the little images you had in your mind of young Levi.

Yeah, you claimed you didn't remember much, but these flashes would still remain in your mind. Flashes like him baring his teeth (with one of his upper incisors fallen out) as he yelled while chasing you. Or him frowning when you laughed at how he had a blob of ice-cream on his nose. Or his cheeks flushed pink whenever you complimented him.

You didn't realise how much you missed that. Him.

He was something that completed you. You were all jumpy and bubbly while he was all grumpy and shy. You and Levi were like a full moon.

You didn't do much drinking during the bachelorette party. Reason? You planned on doing it alone.

You found out a few things-- Maria went to middle school with you but you never met her because she was a quiet kid, and one of her closest friends, Katie, dated the strange Josh-guy that had an obsessive crush on you in high school. Apparently, he was hot now. And Hange once gave a blowjob to a bartender though she was gay because he was nice to her (said he gave her a therapy-session).

You waved them off as you asked your driver to drop you off at the bar closest to your house. You just figured it would be easier to drag yourself home, doing a dramatic heartbroken-main-character walk under the nightsky.

"Hello, Bill." You muttered, seating yourself at the counter.

"Ah, I sense major tough-day vibes." Bill smirked, cleaning the rim of some glasses with a white cloth.

Bill was around your age, maybe a couple years older, with dark hair and a friendly character. He made a good conversation. "More like tough month."

He wrinkled his nose. "Then tequila shots, I assume?"

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