10: Mistake

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"That's awful to hear. I hope he gets better soon." You responded to the news of Kenny falling sick. Levi raised both his brows at you because he knew very well that you didn't mean a single word you had said.

"Very well," Pixis spoke with the signature smile of his. "I have been meaning to propose an idea that struck my mind a couple nights ago." His eyes jumped among the three of you. "How about a collaboration?"

Your brows curved down. What did he mean by 'a collaboration'? You were already collaborating with EL&C and his consent on the contract sheets was more than proof. Your father had an expression that wasn't as transparent as yours, but you knew the man for almost 30 years. You could tell he was confused as well.

But Levi? His face remained straight like he could get what Pixis meant. "You mean the three of us?" He lifelessly said.

Pixis gave one slight nod.

Your father gave a laugh. And then a bigger one. "Mr Dott," He swiped his finger against his nose. "I'm not so sure that would work out."

Pixis smiled wider. "Why not? You're both the leading companies of your line, and it would be quite profitable for all three of us."

Well. He was not wrong.

You couldn't understand why Levi wasn't arguing against it. But then again, they were the ones who fucked you over. Nothing at harm for them.

Unless you fuck them over this time.

No, you couldn't do that. It would also get EL&C against you. And that would be a huge loss.

"I'm positive it would, but Ackerman Corporation isn't really on great terms with us, and it would cause... conflicts."

"Who said we're not?" The arrogance in Levi's voice made your father furious. The way the expression in his face fell was hilarious.

Okay. He wasn't wrong either.

The Ackermans never had any bad blood with you. It was always you that resented them for being traitors.

And Levi hated you because you hated him.

Yeah. You hated him. I hate him. "We're not on great terms with them, Mr Dott." You smiled at the man. "So there would still be a lack of agreement and cooperation." Your dad was shamelessly speechless.

Pixis nodded. "I understand. But the idea is still out there, and if you ask for my opinion, I think it would turn out undoubtedly remarkable." Pixis' face lit up when he saw someone. "Anka!" He grinned and asked you to excuse him before he went up to her.

Your father let out a laugh again, but this time after turning his body to Levi and crossing his arms. "You know, the entire time we had been standing here with Pixis, you never showed an ounce of respect to me or any word I said,'' His tone was harsh. "So what happened to that shit when the man made a proposal? Kissass much, Levi?"

Levi scoffed. "Please, if anyone here is a kissass, it's you. Hell, you've been wheezing at his mediocre jokes like a horse even though he made it painfully obvious you were just embarrassing yourself."

"Levi." Yeah, you didn't like your father so much, but you couldn't let Levi badmouth him like that. Screw you for being an exceptional daughter.

Your father was gritting his teeth and Levi wouldn't look at you. Because only he knew that if he looked at you, he would be overcome with other unnecessary thoughts. "You're all just a bunch of pigs." Your father muttered, furiously walking away as he chugged the last of his drink.

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