29: Run

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"Are you fucking stupid?" you whisper-yelled, feeling your heartrate increase the longer you thought about it. Levi rushed behind you to keep up without saying a word. "You- your uncle is on the verge of death in a hospital bed and you decide coming to a wedding with me is more important?" He flinched when you spun around, looking daggers at him. 

Levi couldn't keep it in anymore. He tried to hide it from you so things would go smooth and normal, but he realised he shouldn't have done that. And that was when he gave up and told you about it. You didn't know how to react but you sure as hell wanted to get out of the dance to talk this through. Well, you weren't exactly talking it through, but you got the privacy you needed. Knowing the people that were there, you could bet that someone would be eavesdropping.

Fuming, you opened the door of your car, storming inside and fumbling with your seat-belt. Walking over to the other side, Levi opened the door and put an arm on it. His other hand was on the top of the car as he stood outside. He carefully said, "Alex, listen, you don't have to bail on your brother's reception dinner for this-"

"You literally just told me that his condition was serious!" 

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you this morning, don't you see?!" he yelled back, exasperatedly dropping his arms to his sides. You stared at him in disbelief, eventually scoffing. He sighed. "Okay, I will be there at the hospital and you can be here with your family. This is- this is more important to you. It should be." You shook your head and pressed your palm against your forehead. You couldn't believe what he was saying. "I will call you in case something happens. I promise." 

"I don't trust you will," you choked out. His heart dropped at hearing that. "You should've told me about this instead of lying to me, Levi."

"I did it for a reason," he argued, only strengthening the angry ball of flames inside you. When he saw how your fists clenched on your lap, he quietly got inside the car, not closing the door. He didn't want to add fuel to the fire. "I'm sorry. I thought it was best if I just hid it from you for a day because- this event is supposed to be happy for you and we had plans and I wanted to stick to them so I visited him in the morning when he..." he sighed yet again, raking a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I lied." 

You stared at nothing with your eyes facing down. "Do you regret telling me today, then?" He didn't answer. You shut your eyes. "Levi?" 

"I'm supposed to be honest, aren't I?" he said in the silence of the car. The sounds of the reception party was muffled in your ears. "I should've waited a couple more hours. I ruined-"

"You ruined nothing. The only thing you did that I'm mad about is not being honest, don't you get it?!" you raised your voice, shifting your body to face him. "If you had told me this morning, then-"

"Then you would've forced me to stay at the hospital all day."

"You should've stayed at the hospital all day!" you snapped back.

"And that is why I couldn't tell you!" 

The heavy breathing of the two of you filled the atmosphere of the car, and through the window behind you, Levi saw Wes approaching. You quietly leaned back against the seat, uncertain about what to say. As you felt the sense of speechlessness cloud your brain with too many things to let out, a knock on the window snapped you out of it. Your brother was standing there.

Without saying a word, you undid your seat-belt, opened the door, and got out of the car. "Everything alright?" Wes asked, sensing discomfort in the air. You managed to gather a tight lipped smile and nodded. 

In a matter of seconds, Levi was out as well, standing next to you but not really next to you. You gave him a single glance before plainly muttering, "Go there. Call me in case something happens." 

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