16: Idiot

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You had way too many weddings happening around you. I mean, only two, but they were both too much.

Okay, all you had to do for Erwin's wedding was just attend so it was not too much. Basically, your brother's wedding was a hassle.

And it was over two months away. Yet, you had to be on a video call with Jenna, Wes and Nova to go over the wedding invitations. "Can't you both just decide on your own? It's your wedding, after all." You mumbled before you took a bite of your burger.

It had been long since you had a normal burger at a normal diner. Greg's was always your comfort-spot since you were a kid. Sir Greg was around 40 when you were a kid, and he's still hanging around, flashing a grin every time you come here.

"You were the one who convinced me not to go with the sage cards. I added you to the call for your approval." Wes frowned.

You rolled your eyes. "Fine, fine. I vote for the cinnamon and beige ones."

"Same. Or the white and lavender." Nova said with her eyes set elsewhere. "I've got to leave now. See you three."

After spitting a quick goodbye, you placed your phone on the table, screen down. The thoughts in your mind were unorganised. All over the place. And the prioritised thought among them wasn't ideal.

Sir Greg walked over to your table, snapping you out of it.

"Was that Ms Nova?" He smiled.

You nodded and gestured to him with your hand towards the opposite seat, asking him to take it. He accepted the offer and sat down. "How's Poppy?"

He swung his head from side to side. "Y'know, just jumpin' around. She took a trip to Canada last month for new opportunities and all."

You widened your eyes in interest. "Oh? I thought she settled for a job here in Eldia."

He chuckled heartily. "I don't think my little girl will ever settle. She ain't never satisfied, always wantin' to search for more." You gave a soft laugh. "Oh, how's Levi?"

Something inside you winced at the mention of his name. You shrugged. "How would I know? I guess he's doing okay."

Greg snickered. "Don't tell me y'all two forget about this old man already. Least you can do after stealing all the candy from my counter every time you came here."

You giggled. "C'mon, that was once or twice!" He shook his head and you playfully rolled your eyes. "Fine, alright. More than that, maybe." You drifted away in thought, swirling the straw around in your cola. "Levi doesn't forget about people that easily. I bet you're still in the back of his mind along with a couple other people."

You refused to believe that your statement was an act of defending Levi. It would be a shame if your life reached a point where you tried to protect him from people's negative assumptions.

"I know, sweetheart. He's a good man."

A good man. You snorted in the back seat, earning a glance from your driver through the mirror.

And then you scratched the bottom of your chin, resuming the pacing train of thoughts in your brain.

Was Levi sick of you? Okay, of course he'd be sick of you but was he tired of the sex already? Was that why he sent you that mysterious message at 6 in the morning?

L Ackerman

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