3: Dating-Life

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No. You thought. No, no, no, no, no. "Oh, hell no." You stretched your arm outward in his direction. "You're not- yeah, you're not sitting with us." You said, your palm firm in front of his torso.

He looked at your arm blocking him from sitting down, settled his tea on the table and yanked your arm away with his. And then he sat beside you, bringing his cup to his mouth. "So what are your names?" he asked the girls, acting like he's genuinely interested.

You gritted your teeth. "Levi, why are you-"

He leaned closer. "Shh." He simply said.

"I'm Lila!" Your mouth was left open. Did he just-

"Did you just shush me?"

"And I'm Katy!"

"They're introducing themselves," he whispered low. "I bet you didn't know their names." He turned his face to look at you. "How'd you get stuck with them?"

Your lips wouldn't come together. Mouth still agape, you took a quick look at the two girls who were observing you and Levi like you were an exhibited circus show.

You let out air from the bottom of your throat. There were a couple dozen other places you could be in right now, and this was the bottommost, least ideal one.

"Distant relatives," you simply answered. "Please eat faster, Lila and Kaitlyn?" You tried requesting nicely with a smile.

"I'm Katy."

You stared at her with the smile. She blinked at you a couple times before getting intimidated. "You're scaring the little girl," Levi commented, making your head turn to him.

"Good, then," you replied, smiling at him now.

He let out a sigh. "I'm Levi. And this girl is Alex." He quickly tipped his head in your direction.

"Oh!" Pink Fuck exclaimed. Katy, was it? "Your name is Alex?" She took her hand to her mouth as she almost gasped.


"I heard Mummy say that you need help with dating."

"What- I- I don't-" You paused and shut your eyes. "I don't." You knew Levi was enjoying this. From the corner of your eye you could see that he was sipping on his tea, and he didn't seem to mind the sitch at all.

"Really? They said you seem like you have a sad life and they were worried."

"What?! That's absurd!"

Levi snorted. Your head sped to glare at him. "Sad life is one way to put it." He mumbled.

"Oh, you're one to talk, Levi. You have the saddest, most boring existence known to humanity." You said in one breath.

He shook his head softly and took the teacup to his lips in the bizarre way that he does. And for some reason, your mind took itself to his lips. Before you could break yourself from this madness, you took in the black shirt that was tucked into his brown trousers and the few undone buttons revealing some skin.


"Mr Levi... Do you have a girlfriend?" Katy asked, her eyes weirdly shimmering with hope. That one brought you back to reality, and you almost snorted. This man? You were so close to concluding that he was a robot that drank tea. A girlfriend?

Levi inhaled some air and shook his head. "No."

"Then..." Lila quickly began, pausing for a moment as her eyes jumped between you and him. "Why don't you both date?"

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