27: Five (NSFW)

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CW: um. a lot of smut. 


What led to this? You had zero idea. But were you complaining? No way in hell.

Levi's tongue rolled around your areolar while he kept looking up at you. You were sitting on the edge of the table, letting him devour your breasts like this wasn't your office and he wasn't just about to give it to you on your desk. 

You let out a tiny noise that was in between a hum and a groan, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as his hands tightened around your waist. "Fuck, I missed you," he said, kissing down your body till he had to sit on his knees to face your spread-out legs. "Can I take this off?" he asked, hands tapping the edge of your panties. Your shirt was currently pulled up against your chest till only your breasts were exposed, so were you technically half-naked? 

You nodded, allowing him to pull them off. He growled when he saw your exposed centre like he was hungry for this. Beginning to kiss up your thighs, he took his sweet time, observing your every reaction. His hand snaked up your body, applying slight pressure, indicating for you to lay back. And you obeyed, pressing your back against the table as you let him take control. 

And, oh, did he take control. 

Levi's teeth softly dug into your skin with every slow kiss he gave you, his tongue flicking each area devotedly. As his mouth continued working on your thighs, you felt the pad of his thumb drag itself across your folds, pausing at your clit. His finger drew soft circles against the bud and your heels drove into his back at the feeling. He deeply chuckled. "You're always so tense," he said, finally reaching the much awaited part. He licked his lips, exhaling at the sight in front of him. Keeping his thumb firm where it was, his tongue stroked against your core. Your lips parted, and you slightly raised your head to look down at him. 

He looked into your eyes, and his silver irises had an insanely lewd look in them. They were hanging low, looking almost drowsy yet... like he was starving. And that proved true when he pushed his mouth closer against your pussy, open like he was trying to put your entirety into it. He instantly hummed at the feeling, in sync with your breath that came choked out of your throat. 

It was past working hours, and you had already asked Connie to take his leave. You made sure to lock the door and close all the blinds and curtains, because as sexily thrilling as this was, you couldn't afford getting caught yet like... this. 

One of his hands was still pressed against your chest, and you held it while the other made its way to his hair, of course. Levi knew exactly where to give you what, it was like he had you explored and encoded into his brain at this point. 

You were liquid under him. It wasn't like you to tremble helplessly but with Levi? Oh, sweet Mary, he would cloud your brain and flow in your nerves without any effort. It was like he owned you from the start and as much as you disliked feeling like you were owned, Levi was an exception. Because though he shut you down, he'd also make sure you felt satisfied to the most, being washed over by constant waves of utter pleasure. He knew precisely how to make you feel like you were drowning in the waters of heaven.

Eating you out while doing a variety of things to your clit, knowing that the additional stimulation was your favourite part, he couldn't get his eyes off you. Your every move only aroused him more and more till it was irresistible. You had always been irresistible. He couldn't stop the growing desire he constantly felt invading his thoughts whenever you were around from the beginning. 

He moved his head back up, letting his fingers continue the good work as he hovered above your face. You gasped when you felt two of his fingers enter you in one swift motion. He pressed his lips against your jaw, steadily moving down to your ear as his fingers pumped in and out of you. And you tightened your grip in his hair as he curved his fingers upward. Inhaling a sharp breath, you made him smirk against your neck. "You're my favourite taste," he whispered in your ear. "Did I ever tell you that?" 

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