25: Fingers Crossed

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The car was driving to the start of a hill road. You had come here a couple times before but never with Levi. "Where are you taking me in the name of a date, Levi?" You asked him, pretending to be suspicious.

There was a local event happening in the city in the evening, so the streets were in a hustle-bustle. And the farther you got away from that, the more serene things started to seem. 

"Actually, this was all a master plan to break your heart and push you down a hill," He muttered, playfully smirking. He glanced at you once he didn't hear anything in response. You were looking at him, eyes slightly widened and genuinely concerned. "I- was kidding."

"Right?" You said, shrinking into your seat. "Right." He gave that assuring breathy chuckle, relieving you.

You and Levi had been meeting almost everyday, mostly for meals because you were both busy with work. And he had asked you if you would be willing to spend the weekend with him, and of course you agreed to his plans.

He was driving you to what appears to be up a hill in the city. And when you reached to a spot, he walked back to the trunk of his car, taking out a basket. It looked like a picnic basket. He spread a blanket down in front of the view of the city. "Ah, I should've known it when you told me to eat light for lunch. You prepared meals for us?" You asked, sitting down on the blanket and trying to open the basket already.

He shook his head, sitting down next to you. He looked down at his watch, mumbling out, "6:05."

You looked around the area. Behind you were a bunch of trees and in front of you was the city, looking hazed from the slight tint of pre-dusk. "Should be sunset soon," you turned to gaze at Levi as he intently took out the food from the basket. "Sunset picnic date on top of a hill," he glanced at you as you spoke. "You surprise me, Levi. You seem pretty ardent about this."

"I'm ardent about you," he said without thinking twice. And then he held out a box. "Here. Sandwiches."

Agitated at how he wouldn't stop throwing those flirty lines at you, you threw a punch at his arm before you took the box from him. "You're persistent, aren't you?"

"Only when it comes to y-"

"Don't!" You placed an index against his lips. He smirked. "You little shit," you cursed, taking your hand away from him.

"Come closer," he said, patting the empty space next to him with a finger. "The sun is setting."

Scooting closer to him with a roll of your eyes, you placed your head on his shoulder as you took the sandwich to your mouth. "Hm, this is good. You're awfully good at cooking."

"Pft, who can't make sandwiches?" He mumbled, biting into his own.

Comfortable silence occupied the atmosphere as the two of you gazed at the orange sky which also had a hint of dark pink fading into it. "It's beautiful."

Levi looked at you, admiring the content smile that took over your face. He could gaze at this all day. "I know."

You moved your head to look at him, chin settling on his shoulder. Smiling at him as he gazed at you, eyes scanning your face and lingering on your lips, you took a deep breath in. Saying nothing, he placed a kiss on your forehead. Your eyes closed themselves, skin burning where his lips left a sensation.

He reached lower to place a kiss on the tip of your nose next, and your eyes still remained closed while your lips slightly separated. You lazily opened your mouth, watching him as he stared at your lips. Your chin left his shoulder when you reached up, stopping yourself right when you were almost meeting his mouth. Your eyes scanned his face while he did the same, and then his lips steadily joined yours.

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