28: Wedding

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"Ehe," you gleefully grinned, content with how it turned out. Levi didn't stop glaring at you even for a second, though. It was a hassle to convince him to do this but when you pleaded him, saying it was your birthday wish, he had to give in with a 'whatever.'

"Can I wash this off now?" he flatly asked with a pout of his lips.

You rapidly shook your head. "Without even looking in the mirror?" 

His shoulders sunk down as he sighed. "You're the one who said I wasn't supposed to look in the mirror." 

"While I was putting it on. Now, you can." you jumped in place, turning the chair around so he could check his reflection. Levi was speechless, his eyes wide and mouth agape. "Huh? You like it? You like it, don't you?" 

"Alex," he spoke, blinking in the mirror. "What did you do to my face?" 

You waved a prideful hand in his way, feeling content with your work. "Not much. The blush really makes your face shine, right? And the lipstick I used is the fancy one."  You gnawed on your lip with excitement, eagerly waiting for a remark from him. Levi's hand went up to touch his skin. "Do you like it?"

"No," he immediately said. Your smile instantly vanished, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't hurt.


Levi looked at you through the mirror as your eyes hung low, and your lips formed a pitiful pout. He clicked his tongue. "I love it," he mumbled, hoping to put a smile on your face again. 

And his hopes didn't end up in vain when your eyes jolted back up, sparkling with joy. You grinned from ear to ear, clapping your hands together. He internally sighed before you said, "Yay! Then we should show it to our parents and take pictures!" He shook his head in despair. "C'mon!" You grabbed his hand, forcing him out. 

'No, no, no-' he thought, and his face scrunched up. But when you looked back at him as you were dragging him out of the room, you looked happy. 

Levi gave up, faintly smiling to himself as he let you lead the way. He hated it, but it was worth seeing you like that. 


Wedding day.

Not yours, of course. Your brother's. And you were a little nervous because today was the day your relationship with Levi would be made official to your family. 

"You nervous?" Levi asked, his arms snaking your waist from behind as he placed a gentle kiss on the crook of your neck. You smiled at him through the mirror. 

"Nervous, my ass," you said, turning your head to give him a peck on his lips. "It won't be long. We'll just stand in a corner, eat during the reception, and come back home so we can have a repeat of last night." 

His lips curled to present a soft smirk as he pecked you again. Right then, his phone rang, and he took it, his smile slightly faltering. He weirdly excused himself, and you didn't follow him. You waited for him to come back and then asked him if something was wrong. He shook his head. "Just my secretary pulling shit."

You dubiously smiled, turning back to the mirror. "Okay. Help me choose earrings, then." 

He walked up to you, looking down at the collection you lined up. "Uh, that one." He pointed at a pair, and you nodded, picking it up. He cleared his throat. "Alex."


"Can you..." he spoke, and you looked at him to meet his anxious face. "Can you give me half an hour? There's some issue at the office that I need to take care of. I promise I'll be back soon." 

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