Bonus Chapter: 2 (NSFW)

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You and Levi were making out hot and heavy on the bed. His hands were roaming all over you while you straddled him and rocked back and forth against his body, and your mouths were practically consuming each other. 

Tongues swiping against lips and sliding atop each other, the two of you fought for dominance, but you had to give in when his hands came in contact with your breasts and gave them a slight squeeze. Your mouth went agape in a short gasp and he took the opportunity to take over the kiss and quickly flipped you over. And that was when the clock struck twelve. 

He smirked as his mouth hovered above yours and the two of you were a panting mess. "Happy two years, beautiful." 

You chuckled. "Happy two years."

Things were surely different as a married couple. You got busier, wiser, fought a lot more (both playfully and seriously), but at the end of the day, sleeping next to the love of your life was the most comforting thing to ever exist. 

Your top was pulled off of you and you clumsily helped him take off his already unbuttoned shirt. He came back down to press his mouth against yours and you two were soon humming, groaning, and grunting all while heatedly sharing kisses. 

You baked a cake with him in the evening with the intention of cutting it at midnight, but the current situation was worth ditching your original plans. Things were always better when they stuck to just flowing. 

Levi's soft lips kissed your skin and it felt like butterflies were settling on you. You closed your eyes in bliss and softly whimpered. "I didn't even touch you yet," he smirked, shifting your panties to the side to see just how wet you were. "And you're already soaked for me, love. Want me that bad, hm?" 

You moaned in response. "Levi, please."

"Please what?" His kisses trailed down your torso, your stomach, your hips, and his hands tugged slightly on the waistband of your panties. A little lower. A little more and his lips would be exactly where you'd pay for them to be. 

"Fuck, you know what," you gritted, your hands getting lost in his hair. Oh, his hair. The soft locks you'd gladly have tangled around your fingers for the rest of eternity. He lets out a tiny chuckle, erupting in his throat and making flowers grow in your stomach and their petals graze your insides. He still gave you butterflies.

"You want me to eat you?" he asked so casually, like his language is dirty-talk. "You want me to eat this dripping pussy of yours? Tell me, angel."

"Yes," You began pushing his head lower, desperate for something. Anything. "I want you to tongue-fuck me. I know you want to, too, so get with it." 

Levi smiled. He loved how impatient you were in bed. He loved that he got you like this-- desperate, needy, flustered. Only he could do that and he took pride in it. "That's a good fucking girl." 

Your back arched when you finally, finally felt the heat of his tongue meeting the heat between your legs. His hands grabbed your thighs, throwing them over his shoulder as he went to town. He didn't want to tease anymore. He wanted to taste you. Devour you like a starving man. You were his favourite taste in the entire fucking world and if you wanted him to do this all day, he'd fucking do this all day. 

One of his hands reached up to press against your chest and when you looked down, he was looking at you like you were all there was left on earth. Like this was his most pleasing sight-- your chest heaving, your lips parted, your hair messy, your skin sweaty. Levi growled and it sent a wave of pleasure that you felt in your stomach. 

"Oh, Levi--" and you came undone with a yelp. Levi felt hungrier when you released more and he was determined not to waste a single drop. Fuck water, he decided this was better for his health and shit. 

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