13: Billiards (NSFW)

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CW: smut (a little degradation + a little praise; light fingering (fem. receiving); thigh riding; a little bit of male masturbation; good ol' vaginal sex)


You were starting to think Levi had had enough of you when he didn't contact you in nine days. Neither did you see him around. You felt pathetic.

When did you become this horny? This needy for sex? Did Levi become a psychotic freak that hypnotised you into feeling this way for him so he could think of it and laugh at your misery?

"-so this would be better, right?" Jenna lifted a light salmon coloured napkin to your eyes.

You glanced at the napkin and then back at her, having no idea what she just said. "Yeah." You nodded.

Hitch crossed her arms and stepped closer, picking another napkin from the table. "I still think this would suit the vibe better." Her fingers rubbed against the soft cherry beige cloth.

Jenna gaped at the napkin and shifted her weight to one leg, slowly nodding. "Yeah. Okay, know what?" She took the napkin from Hitch's hand, levelling it higher above the one in her hand. "This for the wedding, and the salmon one for the reception."

Hitch gave her a thumbs-up. Jenna turned to you, pursing her lips, and you gave a double-thumbs-up.

"What's on your mind?" Erwin pushed his fork into the beef in his salad. Levi's glance jolted up to him from his pad thai.

Levi clicked his tongue. "A lot of things."

"No," Erwin refused to accept that as an answer. "There's something in particular muting all your other thoughts. I can see it in your face."

Levi's brows furrowed. "I make facial expressions?" He put a piece of shrimp in his mouth.

Erwin snickered. "Knowing a person for over a decade does things to you. In my case, it's gaining the power to see through your unanalysable exterior."

Levi softly shook his head.

The things on his mind were stupid. And you were one of those stupid things.

Every time he came out of his house or his office, he was hoping to run into you, not just because he wanted to screw you but because he wanted to talk about it. Well, talk about screwing you.

"When's the wedding?" Levi tried to change the topic.

Erwin spent a few seconds staring at Levi because he obviously knew what he was trying to do. He went with it anyway. "Maybe next month?"

Levi raised a brow. "That early?"

Erwin nodded. "Yes. Neither of us wants a huge wedding or anything of the sort. We'll probably get married at the church nearby." He swallowed his bite before saying, "When is Alex's brother getting married?"

Levi almost stiffened at the mention. Fucking Erwin and his tactics. He shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't get an invitation."

Erwin laughed. Levi glared at him. "Sorry," He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm sure you'll get one sooner or later. I mean, Wes would probably want you there."

"Why would he?"

"I'm not sure. I just feel like he would. And so would Nova."

Levi remained silent.

Erwin took a pause before mumbling, "Alex too."

Levi instantly scoffed before he could stop himself. "Right." And then he realised that that was exactly the reaction Erwin wanted from him. His eyes slowly shut as he cursed himself.

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