Epilogue: Birthday and Christmas

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Two Years Later

December 25

He was already looking at you when you opened your eyes. You naturally smiled at him and he returned the smile before you said, "Happy birthday, birthday boy."

You instantly felt his hand pull you by your arm and your face bumped into his neck. "I love you," he said. You chuckled into his skin. When the hands of the clock struck twelve a couple hours ago, you had a little cake-cutting session with him as you wished him happy birthday. And the rest of the night, well, you ended up giving him a very memorable birthday gift. He liked the latter kind of cake better. And obviously, neither of you slept much.

"I wanna make you breakfast," you mumbled, not wanting to get out of the warmth of his hold.

"Hm. Let's make it together. It'll taste better that way," he suggested, making you flick your head up to him.

Your brows arched together in a frown as you said, "Are you saying my cooking skills suck?"

He nodded. You glared at him and he broke into a deep chuckle, his morning voice still evident. He pulled your head back into his neck. "You're so cute."

"Pft," you scoffed, happy that he couldn't see the smile on your face. He could feel it, though.

This was good. Waking up with him, sleeping with him, cooking with him-- being home was nice because home meant you and Levi. Together. In a house.

It had been four months since you got married, three months since you returned from your honeymoon, and two hours since he was last inside you, and yet when the two of you got out of bed, you were soaking wet in the shower with him for two reasons: One, the shower. Two, his fingers on your pussy.

The newlywed excitement refused to leave you already. Sex with Levi wasn't just for mere pleasure, no, it was so much more than that. It constantly reminded the two of you that he was yours and you were his. Wholly and entirely, you wanted to have each other. It made you rejoice in the fact that you were connected to and with him in every way possible. Connected till death did you apart. And it never got tiring. He never failed to excite you.

"Oh, fuck," he grunted in your ear, slowly sliding into you. "Fuck, Alex, I don't know if it's unhealthy, but I just can't keep my hands off you."

You weakly laughed into his skin, relishing the feeling of him filling you up perfectly. He was perfect. Perfect for you. "The feeling's mutual."

You loved it when he talked to you during these moments. It really made you feel like Levi saw this as more than simply sex every single time. Every single time, it was making love. Gone were the times you felt like fucking each other was a mistake because right now, nothing felt more right than this. Nothing felt more right than his hands on your body and yours in his hair. You joked about it a lot-- how the two of you were so stupid and stubborn to deny the feelings that were right there. 

It was comfortable with him. He was your home and you were his.


"There's a Christmas party in the streets. Let's attend it," you told him while eating breakfast. You were still a little messy when it came to eating but Levi was more than happy to clean up your mess. You were the only mess he loved having around. 

Everything was covered in snow when the two of you went out. You bought hot buns to eat when you heard people call your names. You and Levi turned around, finding Hange and Erwin. "Merry Christmas!"

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