26: Stressed

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"Oh, my God," Jenna mewled as the curtains parted. "Oh, my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, I found it!" She spun around in her dress, eyes teary with joy. "This is the wedding dress that was meant for me."

You closed the magazine at once. "Great! Good for you!" And you stood up, examining the dress. "Woah, it's perfect! So it's done? We can leave?" 

"Awe," she turned to the mirror once again. "Wow, yes, I think so."

Sighing in relief, you hurried to pick your purse up. "Where do I need to drop you off?" You asked, checking in case you were forgetting something. "Jenna? Je-" She was sniffling, looking at herself.

 "I'm gonna get married in this," she began whimpering. 

"I- Jenna," you made your way to hold her shoulders. So what if your mother and Wes were both busy? Did they think you wouldn't be busy? Was that why they suggested that you go with Jenna to choose a wedding dress? "Sweetie, I..." How were you supposed to calm her down?


You groaned in your car after Jenna went out of sight, into her house. She thanked you multiple times, and as frustrating as this morning was, you were genuinely happy for her. You wondered how you would behave while getting married. And your mood instantly turned a little sweeter once the image of the person next to you was Levi.

Wes' wedding was only two weeks away and you were planning on taking Levi as your date. Maybe then you could reveal the news to your parents and attack your father's jolly spirit. 

When Levi asked you if you wanted to have breakfast together, you had to reject his plans. For starters, you planned for your breakfast to be a quick coffee after the Jenna-storm and immediately run to your office because the godforsaken work needed your full attention. 

And you had been struggling with that for a long time now. So long that Levi felt a little... ignored. 

Hey, he wasn't going to blame you because obviously he had to be an understanding-boyfriend. Besides, you had gone on a business trip for four days and came back just a couple days ago. So technically, it was three days of not meeting though there were thin possibilities. 

But good lord, did you not even have one free morning? Two nights ago, the day you came back, you invited him over to your place at night but when he came, you didn't answer the doorbell. And the next morning you apologised fifteen hundred times for falling asleep in your office. 

Honestly, he was more worried that you were overworking yourself, which was ironic because he himself works like there's no day and night. But just because he had been following that routine for over half of his life, it didn't mean he'd encourage you pursuing it. 

As he sat in the backseat, pondering about your whereabouts, you called him. He straightened up, the frown on his face turning a little weaker. He picked it up. "Hello?" 

You sighed. "Levi." 

His brows furrowed at your tone. "What happened? You sound worn out." 

He heard a soft chuckle from your side. "I'm okay, just had a... morning," you said. "And I just... wanted to hear your voice because I-" you paused, saying the last thing faintly. "I miss you." 

Something fluttered inside him, and he shrunk into his seat, feeling like a puddle. "Come to me, then." 

And then he heard you sigh again. "I gotta get to work, Levi," you said, voice laced with disappointment. 

He drew his lips together. "I'll come to you, then." 

"To my off- oh wait, my Dad's calling. I'll call you back, okay?" 

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