19: Decent

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Life had been decent.

You were eating well, talking well, living well. You hadn't been sleeping well, though, but what's new in that?

"Sleep is a waste of time." You said to Hitch while chewing on a croissant.

"That's gonna make you die soon." She replied, squinting at you with crossed arms. "Sleep is joy."

You snorted. "Uh huh."

Sighing, she said, "You have eye bags, Alex. When was the last time you slept?" You just shrugged, making her roll her eyes and spot the nutcase you two had been waiting for her. "She's here."

You turned your head back to see Hange grinning at you both. "Morning, my lovely bitches!" A squeal escaped her mouth as she dropped down next to you. "Oh, croissant!"

You tugged the extra croissant away from her to your side protectively. "It's mine." You mumbled with a frown.

Hange gaped at you and then laughed. "Aha! Hungry Alex phase, I see."

"And sleep deprived." Hitch added with a finger.

Hange gasped. "Who broke you now?"

You rolled your eyes, gulping down the last bite of your first croissant and picking up the other. "Does Maria have no other friends? Why are we the only ones planning her bachelorette party?"

"She does have, like, four other friends from her workplace. But they're at work right now."

"Then why was this meeting arranged now?" Hitch tilted her head to the side while asking.

Hange shrugged in response. "I don't know."

You squinted at her. "You arranged it."

She nodded. "Yes."

Seeing how nothing was spoken for a while after that, you sighed the question away. "Sweet Jesus." You resumed devouring your food. "When's the wedding again?

"In two weeks."

"And Erwin's bachelor party?"

"In five days."

"So we've gotta plan for Maria in just five days?"

"They dudes are starting the bachelor party planning today as well. So we just have to make sure ours is less shitty than theirs."

"How do you know?"

"Levi informed me."

Something jumped in your chest at the mention of his name. Levi.

"Hm?" You heard someone say. You lifted your eyes up to find the two of them looking at you. Did you mumble his name out loud? "Oh yeah, I was also informed that the planning was happening in this cafe itself. Not by Levi, Mike told me. Levi wouldn't let me know because he thought I'd show up and be a nuisance."

Now the organ in your chest started racing. He was coming here? "But that's exactly what you're planning on doing, aren't you?" Hitch questioned, and Hange shrugged again.

"Bet Alex wouldn't be complaining."

Your eyes shot up to her with the croissant that you stopped chewing bulging out of your cheek. "What?"

She smirked. "You're excited to see Levi, aren't you?"

Hitch joined in on the teasing with a giggle.

It took you two seconds before you began scoffing. "No, I'm not?" You deserved the longest nose for how much you lied.

"You stopped eating for a second, that's how thrilled you are." Hitch wiggled her eyebrows at you.

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