Bonus Chapter: 1

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"AGNHHH!" Bennett screamed yet again before you and Levi even stepped into the house.

Levi brought a hand to his ear, his face scrunching at the volume. "Holy hell, what shit are you feeding your baby?"

You spun to him. "Levi, shh. No bad words."

Wes nervously chuckled. "Trust me, I'm tryna find out what he swallowed, too. My ears are freaking banging from- I'M COMING, DUDE!" he restlessly groaned, stomping his way to the hallway where Bennett was trying to reach for the bottles on the table.

"That boy is loud," your husband muttered. 

The two of you were over thirty and had been married for a year now, but he still made you feel like a high-schooler, falling freshly in love everyday. There were more exciting things than physical intimacy now-- like going shopping together, feeding animals at shelters together, going to work together, and looking in the mirror, saying 'Alexis Ackerman' multiple times and gushing over it each time.

Sighing with a quick laugh, you walked into the living room with Mr Husband. "Are Erwin and Maria back from their vacation with the baby yet?" you asked.

Levi shook his head. "They're planning on coming back next week."

You smiled when you saw your nephew crawling over. "Then Little Bennett is gonna have his fwiend back soon, isn't he?" you spoke to the baby who had his mouth wide open in a laugh, flashing his three-and-a-half teeth. He began crawling to you and Levi.

You were talking with Bennett in some weird baby language as your husband only observed your questionable actions. "Hi!" Jenna greeted you, walking into the living room with a bag of groceries and her daughter.

"Jenna!" you greeted her back and Levi gave her a nod. You carefully handed the baby in your lap over to Levi before making your way over to her.

Jenna handed the bag to Wes as she said, "Charlie, over here, so desperately needed a walk. And hence I took that opportunity to buy shi- things." You giggled, trying to turn the little girl's scowl into a smile. "Oh, this one is harder to please than her brother over there," Jenna stated.

You sighed at the baby who now looked like she was disgusted by you. "Well, does she come to people?"

"As long as they smell good," Jenna said, opening the strap and handing Charlie to you. Charlie blinked at you for two seconds before settling into you. "Yep. All yours." Jenna sighed out of relief, cracking her neck as he moved further into her house.

Charlie was still looking at you, frowning like she was waiting for you to entertain her. "So, you don't speak?" you asked, looking sideways to her. "Or... make a noise?" You were still looking at her with her returning your expressionless stare as you stepped back into the living room. She was one grumpy child. The total opposite of the ball of sunshine that was her brother.

Levi was sitting down on the rug with Bennett in his lap. The kid was clapping his hand against some disfigured plastic toy as Levi simply watched him. You placed Charlie on the other side of his lap and Levi looked up at you. "You want me to handle both of them?"

Bennett noticed Charlie and decided to whip her head with the toy in his hand. Charlie didn't cry. She only furrowed her brows harder, intensifying the glower on her face. You nodded. "I need to go talk to Jenna."

Levi blinked at you in disbelief, having a one-year-old seated on each thigh. "No, come back-" he cut himself off as he watched you walk out of his sight. He sighed and looked at the two kids. Charlie was staring at him, and he put up an awkward smile. Bennett began laughing at Charlie as he whipped at her head once again. "Oi, you shouldn't-"

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