6: Before the Ball

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You just couldn't understand. How was it possible for a human to be this stupid? This unbelievable? This brainless?

"Hange," You set your cup on the table separating you both. "Is your brain working fine?"

She defensively put her arms up and shrugged. "Just saying. Levi doesn't have a date either. If you really want a date that bad-"

"Yeah, I don't. Not that bad." You pulled your phone out and went through your texts to Hitch. You scrolled down your chats and saw a name that you were too reluctant to think of. "Maybe..."

Hange' s eyes widened. "You're considering going with Levi?" She excitedly asked.

Your face wrinkled in disgust. "What? No!" You looked back at your phone. "Michael." Something inside you kept telling you that you were being overdramatic. "Maybe I should've let him explain." Sighing, you put your phone back in your pouch.

Hange tilted her head sideways. "Maybe." She took a sip of her iced tea.


Your fingers lingered on your phone.

Just one more chance.


I have some time tonight.

if you're still interested

You took a deep breath and threw your phone to the other side of the bed. Luckily, it didn't fall down.

Michael was a sweet guy. He was sweet in high-school, he was sweet during the reunion. It was only fair of you to hear him out. Plus, he also became hot.


You let out a groan. You should steer clear of that word.

You heard a notification and gasped. You blinked at the lonely phone and stretched your body to pick it up.

How could I not be interested?

I will pick you up at 6?

Oh. So there was a slight chance he didn't resent you?

sure :))

'You are pathetic, Alex.'  You thought to yourself. 'Fucking pathetic.'


He asked you to dress comfortably so you decided on a knee-length dress. He was already there when you got down, leaning against his car. He even opened the door for you.

There was a bit of a silence in the car after you thanked him for complimenting your look. "Well," He broke it and sighed. "I'm so sorry for last time, you have no idea how much." He stole glances at you, hand still on the steering wheel. "My sister got a seizure."

Your eyes shot up to his figure. "A seizure?"

He nodded. "She has.. Brain tumour. And I forgot about our plans after that, I'm... sorry."

You couldn't be mad at him anymore. And to think you ignored him for a month.

Still, he could've sent you a text. A part of you argued.

Be a little sensitive, would you! The other part whisper-yelled.

He took you to the same restaurant you were supposed to go to that day.

He cleared his throat. "Did you... did you know I liked you in highschool?"

You smiled at him and shook your head. "I didn't. Did you know I liked you too?" His eyes widened.

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