5: Dating-Life Pt 2

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You remembered nothing that happened after dancing your ass off with Hange.

You swallowed the tylenol and half a glass of water. It was Sunday. The plan for today was to sit all day in bed and do stuff on your laptop. You had little to no energy left in you to even talk to a person. Hell, you had little to no energy to chuckle at the texts Hange sent you.





Levi confirmed that he dropped us last night :o

Oh. Levi dropped you?

You wanted to take a moment to think again but that was ruined by a phone call from your father.

"Dad," you answered, placing your palm against your forehead.

"Why is your voice like that? Did you just wake up?" You could hear disappointment laced under his voice. What was his deal? It was only 11:20.

"Ugh, quit it, Dad. I'm almost thirty-years-old. I can decide when to wake-up. I'm a grown woman." Talking that much made your head spin already. You chugged the remains of water in your glass.

"You're also the President of our company. I mailed you six documents last night and you responded to none of them."

"Oh." I was too busy aiming for teddy bears, Dad. "What's the issue?"

He sighed. "Four of them are regarding our collaboration with EL&P. They had some questions regarding the terms and conditions."

"Okay, I'll um... I'll check them out." You played with the box of medicine in your hand.

"And two of them... are regarding you." You paused.

"Regarding me?" You needed elaboration. "What about me?"

He sighed again. "We're having lunch today. Me, you, Mom, Wes. Come over."

Of course you checked your mail as soon as you hung up.

There was no subject. No content. Just an attachment.

Lists. Lists of young businessmen. What did it mean? Was your Dad looking for more collaborations?

The other mail had an article. Alexis Campbell, The Beauty Wants No Beast?

Your face scrunched up. The fuck was this?

Wes Campbell and Alexis Campbell are well known as the gorgeous successors of Campbell Enterprises. And a couple young hearts were broken with the news of Wes Campbell's confirmed marriage, though more were elated.

Wes is said to have decided to wed his true love, Jenna Stevens, who is also apparently his high-school sweetheart.

As people congratulated Wes and Jenna, many have also shifted their attention to Alexis Campbell now. The last news there was of her relationship status was around five years ago, when she dated Kyle Hims, the famous football player.

Why the fuck were people bringing that back now?

However, we received insider information that the reason for their breakup and Ms Alexis' prolonged state of singleness could be that she believes she is asexual.


Asexual? You? What?

This was stupid. They were making assumptions and publishing stuff that they don't have enough balls to ask you about.

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