22: More

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Tylenol. Water. And a note.

Those were the things on the bedside table your brain was trying to understand after you squinted your eyes open, cursing the sunlight. This was probably the worst hangover you'd ever had.

The note said: Have these.

Okay. Nice.

You noticed that you were still in yesterday's clothes, but your heels were placed properly aligned in one corner, right next to the door. And nobody needs to know how you reacted after recalling the previous nights memories.

You were curled into a ball on the bed, screaming into the mattress. "Fuck, Alex, you stupid little fuck-" You should never drink again.

You didn't know how you could face daylight after realising what you did. Deciding to categorise the previous night's events, you took the tylenol.

Did Levi leave you this note? Pft, that idiot.

You called Levi- bad thing. Slapped Kyle- Great thing. Levi pretended to be your boyfriend- fantastic thing? You told him you fell for his Ackerman Charm- suicide-worthy thing.

But his reaction. He was shocked, yeah, and that was pretty much it. You don't remember much of anything else. You probably fell asleep.

An instant smile crept up to your face when you received a call from your mother. She was getting discharged today. "Mom?"

You heard a sigh. "Wes is a pain. I want you here instead."

"I can hear you!" Wes' scream sounded distant through the phone.

You softly laughed. "Are you home yet?"

"Yeah. Your brother insisted on making me soup."

"How's it going?"

"Well, he burnt some vegetables, I don't know how." You chuckled, picturing Wes being a total noob in the kitchen. "How are you? Your laugh sounds tired."

Damn, how does she do that? "I'm, uh, fine. Just a little headache."

"Did you go drinking again?"


"You should get rid of this habit, it's becoming an addiction."

"It's not, but I'm already planning on toning it down."

"Good. Oh?" She mused. "He replied."



Your eyes widened. "Levi?"

"Yeah. I thanked him for the fruits. And the flowers he never forgot to change everyday. He even came here this morning with a bunch of these beautiful irises..."

Her voice faded into the background when you received a notification, more precisely, a text from the man of the talk.

L Ackerman

How is your headache?

"Alex, are you there?"

"Huh?" You answered to your mother's call. "Yeah, sorry, what?"

"I asked if you were gonna come here... it's Sunday and we could all maybe eat together?"

"Oh. Yeah. Yeah, okay, I'll be there for lunch."

"And dinner."

You smiled. "And dinner."


You were currently eating cereal. Soggy cereal. Yeah, you you're rich and you could eat a supreme breakfast if you wish but hey, you were just setting the mood. Staring at the phone next to you, you slowly took another bite. You should probably text back.

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