2: Events

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Your headache was profound the next day. And your schedule was packed for the next two weeks. You did meet Hange and go out with Hitch once or twice. You and Hange were friends from college, but you met Hitch in high-school. You did part ways, but got closer again once she was employed as your Dad's secretary.

"You were right," Hitch said, swallowing her bite of the sandwich in the cafeteria. "These did get better after you wrote that ridiculous note in the feedback sheet." She pointed at the snack in her hand with her eyes.

You nodded, taking a sip of water. "You said there was something you wanted to tell me."

"Right," she spoke with her mouth full and set her sandwich down. "There's a reunion this Sunday. Just high-school friends."

"Ugh, no thanks." You subtly rolled your eyes. Hitch let out a little chuckle.

"Knew you'd say that."

You shrugged. "We don't even talk to anyone anymore. It's useless."

"I know," she replied. "But what if I said Michael's coming?" She widened her eager eyes.

You let out a huff. "Seriously? You're trying to convince me by mentioning my high-school crush?"

"Nuh uh, THE high-school crush, missy miss. You were in love with him all throughout high-school. And he really liked you too, you know."

You raise a brow. "He did?"

She nodded vigorously. "No idea why neither of you ever went at it. Plus, I've heard he doesn't come to reunions usually. Like you. But this time, he is."


She convinced you, somehow, to dress up and go to that restaurant. Even though you weren't as interested in reconnecting with Michael, your heart paced slightly faster when he smiled at you. Dear God, was he pretty. He was your high-school crush, a typical one that girls have. Nice smile and good perfume. But now? He was grown. His cologne had become much softer. His hair had become much prettier. His fashion sense way better, and you didn't even wanna start about his body.

While you were busy catching up with Michael and Hitch was laughing with Porco, a brunette you almost forgot about made her way. Pieck was looking gorgeous. You guys looked up at her, sending smiles her way. She looked graceful as she approached you all and took a seat, but who you didn't notice was Levi entering behind her.

He sat a few seats away and glanced at you a couple times as you chose to ignore him. Go figure. Instead, you were trying to find out more about Michael. It's not like you have a crush again but hey, you were a woman and you had needs.

"You look stunning, Alex," Pieck said, raising her eyebrows at you and lifting her glass to her dark red-painted lips.

"So do you, Pieck," You complimented her back. "You've been MIA."

"Well, I work all the way in Marley. Y'know, with Porco and all."

You nodded. "She's a pain," Porco chimed in. "Good thing for you that she has been MIA."

A few laughs erupted around the table as Pieck kicked Porco's leg and he let out a fake Ow.

"Hey, are y'all still...?" Hitch's voice trailed off, her index jumping between Porco and Pieck who were sitting opposite each other. Pieck rolled her eyes and Porco raised his brows, tilting his head at the question.

"Nah, they're exes now," Michael answered for them with a low chuckle. "Still doesn't stop them from being up each other's asses, though," he muttered, receiving a glare from Pieck and a tongue stuck out from Porco. That was when you recalled that they both used to date back in high-school. And it would be understandable of Hitch to wonder about their relationship status, given how they still seem pretty tight.

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