23: Saturday (NSFW)

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CW: Smut (The author has confirmed that she has a bondage kink).


L Ackerman

I'm the best man.

what a surprise.

I'll have to be there early.

how early?


the wedding starts at 11.

That's why I said early

ain't no way i'm getting ready by 7 just to go a wedding w u

Exactly why I said we can't together.
I know you well enough, Alex.

u and Erwin are pretty tight

You could say that.

i couldn't get a hold of you since that morning you left
u kept saying u were busy bc of this

You miss me?

ur annoying

Don't worry
You can have me all you want after tomorrow.

ur annoying.

You were shaking as you typed that, and your flustered smile was embarrassing.

You did miss him, actually. And it was just two days. Every time you texted him, he'd reply, sure, but he'd also say, "I'll be back in a while, okay?" And you'd just stare at your screen till he came back.

And you didn't want to ask him if he was planning on taking you out anytime soon because it was pretty obvious he didn't have the time. Well, now he promised you. You could have him all you want after the wedding.


You were there half an hour early because... Why not? Maria was a friend.

That was partly the reason. The other reason was that you wanted to be with Levi sooner. You were hoping you could get more time with him. And when you entered the church, there was some soft music playing already. There weren't many people, just a couple dozen grouping around. And that was when you saw Levi at the altar, gesturing with his hands to someone at the back. You smiled to yourself. 

His shoulders slumped down, and though his back was to you, you could tell he was deadpanning. And then he rubbed the back of his head, slowly turning around. He was turned a little over half-way and you could see him mouth something like, "Get a new one." 

Levi was scanning the area when he saw you. He had to do a double-take because woah. His lips parted, jaw softly falling down at the sight of you. Chest swelling, his hand returned back to his sides as you gracefully walked up to him. Nervously smiling, you said, "Hi."

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