18: Regret

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"Wicked thoughts lead to wicked souls. Wicked souls lead to wicked lives. Wicked lives lead to wicked worlds." Connie put the book down on your desk and looked at Wes. You raised your brows at Connie, asking him to continue. "That's all there is." He replied with a shrug.

You turned your gaze to Wes. "What in the world is this and why did you waste my and my secretary's precious time by making him read this and making me listen?"

Wes dropped his crossed arms to his side and groaned. "You wrote that shit in 8th grade is what it is."

You squinted at him. "Okay?"
Connie was confused. "How do I fit into this narrative?"

Wes shrugged. "You were here when I walked in so I just made you read it."

Connie stared at Wes for a good amount of time in silence before speaking up. "Is it because of my hairline?"

"What?" His face scrunched at the sudden question.

"Do you bully me because of my funny hairline?"

Your fingers pressed into your temples. "Connie, you don't have a funny hairline."

"Ms Campbell," He faced you now. "The question doesn't apply to you. You're always so nice to me."

Wes snorted. "Because she pities your funny hairline."

Connie's head spun to his side and you could swear you saw steam coming out of his ears. He gritted his teeth. "Permission to punch your brother, Ms Campbell?"

Your hands swung in the air. "All yours." You said and leaned back.

"Yo, I could get you fired." Wes ducked, escaping Connie's fist.

"If I go down," Connie dramatically smirked. "Might as well go down by beating you to a pulp." He spat.

You scoffed at the scene in front of your office desk. "Can you two take it outside?" There was a knock on your door. Hitch walked in. "Oh, not an addition."

Hitch frowned. "What did I do?" She said as she walked up to you and put a laminated file on your desk. "All I did was come here with that because your Dad asked me to." And then she acknowledged the presence of Connie and Wes. She flicked her index between the two. "Why is there this kiddish tension between the two of you, it's making the vibe cringey."

"He's-" Your voice raised as you turned the file over and tried to read it again. "He's cancelling the contract?!"

Wes leaned over the table. "Mr Orneal?"

"That hairless roach?" Connie grimaced, receiving a snort from Hitch.

The file slapped against the wood of your Dad's table. "How can he do that all of a sudden?" Wes walked up behind you.

Your Dad sighed. "I sent you the file as soon as I received it, Alexis."

"It's unreasonable!" You were mad. Your father was only looking down. "Why did they-"

"Ackerman." Wes mumbled.

Your head turned to him. "What-"

"It's Ackerman," His eyes shot up from the file on the desk to Harold. "Isn't it?"

Your Dad chewed on the inside of his cheek while rubbing his fingers against each other. You scoffed. And then you began maniacally laughing, placing a hand on Wes' shoulder for support.

Of course. Of fucking course.

Why would that surprise you? Why would Ackerman not try to sabotage any and every opportunity you found? It was classic them.

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