Chapter 1

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"Y/N, let's go, your groom is waiting." You look in the mirror and see yourself wearing a lovely white dress with white flowers in your hand, simple yet elegant.

You'd never think you'd end up as someone's bride. You smile at yourself in the mirror, looking so lovely. It may not have been a perfect wedding but you'll remember it forever.

When you arrived, you exhaled deeply as you saw him on the altar, looking handsome and elegant yet maintaining his austere demeanor. You couldn't believe it, but you're glad that it was him.

You look around inside the church, it's modest but elegantly designed, and for you it was very perfect, yet the only ones present are your Aunt Shiela and Uncle Martin.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, we tried our hardest to make your wedding memorable at the very least, but it appears that it isn't."

You smile at your Aunt, who is now fixing your dress before you can walk to the altar, and you shook your head and you responded, "No, it is the best."

As the music began to play, walking down the aisle slowly towards him where he patiently waiting.

You love him, and you're very happy with it. You saw your Aunt and Uncle wiping away their tears, smiling as they looked at you.

It's their dream to see you in white dress and eventually wedded. It made you so happy, even if it was just them.

As you neared him, you cast a peek at him, but he simply averts his gaze away. It may have wounded you to see him like this, but you simply nodded, knowing his feelings.

You're well aware that you're being selfish, yet you have no choice but to marry him, it only benefits you because you love him. The wedding is very important, putting emotions aside, the wedding must take place.

"You may now kiss your bride." You saw Levi took a heavy sigh and turn to face you, which you anticipated the most; you can't even hide your happiness.

He finally leaned in closer, you can see in his eyes that he hesitated and you knew what he was feeling right now, and he kissed you on the lips.

The kiss made you very happy, even if it was only for a second, it made you flutter. It was the kiss you were going to remember for the rest of your life.

Your aunt and uncle, as well as the priest, congratulate you two with claps of their hands. You are now an Ackerman.

You cast another regretful gaze towards Levi, making you feel awful for seeing him sad. He was sad, and it was the only emotion on his face.

When you saw him like this, your heart skipped a beat, it hurts you. Even though, he's standing right next to you, you know he's thinking about someone else, and it's not you. I'm sorry Levi, but I really need you.

"I found a place where you two could reside, its..." Aunt Shiela started, but was cut off when Levi stated flatly, "I'm still staying there in the headquarters."

You sigh as you heard him remark, "But..." Aunt Shiela was about to say something to convince him, so you shook your head and mouthed 'its fine'.

You forced a smile at her as she sighed. "Just let him be, we couldn't ask for more since he agreed to this arranged marriage."

Your doing your best not so sound sad, but you guess it's not since they look so concerned about you.

"Then how about you?" Uncle Martin inquires, you smile at him and reply, "As previously, I'll be staying there as well, but I'll ask to be moved next to him," because it must be safer to be near him, so having your room next to him is preferable.

You watched Levi took a stand, he darkly throw his gaze at you saying, "No, it's better for you to stay where you are, don't switch rooms next to me."

He walked towards the door, but he paused when Uncle Martin said, "Even if we force you to marry her and be his husband, you can't just treat her like that you don't-," you were startled when your Uncle began to sound enraged so you cut him off by saying, "Uncle Martin, it's fine. We'll get going now."

You stand up and walk toward Levi. What matter is your safety; you don't care if he's being like that or treats you badly; you don't care if you're being selfish as long as it's for the better.

You marry him not just because you love him; you marry him because he is an Ackerman.

"Y/N, someone is looking for you." Sasha said from afar. As you were cleaning the gear, you carefully laid everything down and went outdoors, where you ran into Aunt Shiela.

You approach her cheerfully, but it quickly vanishes when you see her somber face. "What's the matter?"

As soon as you approached her, she took your hand in hers, and you felt uneasy seeing her like this.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry it happened so soon, but you need to marry someone who is strong enough to protect you, your uncle and I have agreed to make you an arranged marriage."

You frowned and looked at her anxiously, confused. "What do you mean by me marrying someone I've never met, but who is this person I'm going to marry?" You felt scared to marry someone you don't know.

"I have someone in mind for you to marry." She says, and you stare at her waiting to hear the name of the person you're going to marry. You were surprised when you heard the name she was referring to: "Levi Ackerman."

"C-Captain Levi? Wait...I'm getting married to him, but why him?" You honestly felt happy and relieved after when you found out its Levi, you've had affections for him since you joined the scouts and no one knows.

"Ackerman are known for being unequally strong, so we'll make an arrangement for you to marry an Ackerman." You just stare at her, unsure of what you're going to do. You were wondering on why they were making you to marry to Levi.

"Why?" You asked prompting her to grimace anxiously, "Why the sudden marriage?" You continued. She smiled nervously and said, "We won't always be there to protect you, so we want someone by your side who can protect you no matter what."

You immediately understand why they choose Levi; he is an Ackerman. Who is powerful and feared by all.

"How are you going to persuade him? I'm just nobody to him." You said to her remembering him being the captain and you as a random scout who joins the survey corps to hide. It appears that hiding in the scouts isn't enough to keep you safe.

"Don't worry about that; we'll do everything we can to make him your husband. I'm sorry for forcing you to marry against your will." No, I'm happy it's Levi, it's a dream come true for me.

You and Levi come to halt in front of his door. Before he could go inside you said, "Thank you for marrying me Levi."

He open the door and turn to face you. You gulp dryly as his dark gaze meets yours, sending shivers down your spine. He clearly despised you and hated marrying you.

You wonder how they manage to persuade the humanity's strongest soldier to marry someone like you.

"I don't give a damn about what's going on, we're only married on paper. I don't love you and never will. Don't drop the Captain, here in the Survey corps I'm your Captain and not your husband. Don't get too cocky with yourself."

You nodded and responded, you even salute to him, "Yes, Captain." You watched him close the door, you sighed in defeat, knowing that this was coming and that it would be as bad as it was.

You return to your room silently, walking down the hallway without making a sound, staring at the ring on your finger, "It's absolutely lovely, but it doesn't seem to fit on me."

He says hurtful things all the time, which is what makes him so honest, but this time it actually hurts you.

You wondered aloud, "Do I really deserve all of this?" Well, maybe it because I'm selfish and want to marry an Ackerman solely for me.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now