Chapter 8

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As you and Levi walk through the headquarters, all of the scouts’ eyes are fixated on you two, making you feel uncomfortable, but the man beside you just keeps walking as if it doesn’t affect him.

Turning at the corner you ask him as it keeps bothering you, "I thought you were there to annul our marriage, why the change of mind?"

You look at him and he then replied but does not glance in your direction. "How can I bring it up that matter, when she's pleading with me to protect. You know what troubles me, what’s really going on with your family?" He asked and now he turns to see your face.

You were speechless next to him since you couldn’t answer him, and you don’t want to tell him the truth about your family.

"Levi!" You both turn around and see Hange calling out Levi from behind. She sees you, and then gives you a smile.

"Hello there, Y/N, wait, what happen?" She inquires looking at your bruises. She walks towards you to see them clearly so you said, "It's nothing to worry, and it’s my punishment." You replied to her.

She then faced Levi and said, "You've gone too far Levi, you should treat her better." She madly says to Levi, you look at her astonished by her behavior.

It’s your first time to see Hange getting mad at Levi. "I'm treating everyone equally, man or woman."

You just stare at them silently as they keep rebating to each other, "No Levi, you're treating her so bad-," you decided to intervene before things get any worse; after all, they’re arguing because of you and you don’t want to be the reason.

"There's no need to worry, Captain is right, well it's my fault anyway." They both look at you, but Levi then walks out, leaving you two. "I'm sorry about this Y/N, I hope you understand him… Levi, wait, Erwin is looking for you." She then said and run towards Levi.

As you watch them leave together you heavily sigh, many things happen today and it is excruciating. Even though it’s impossible, you hope Uncle and Aunt would find way to make things better.

"Y/N." You turn your head to see Mikasa and Sasha approaching. "Where did you go, we were looking for you?" Sasha asked as they reached you. You notice the potato in her hand, still going crazy about potatoes.

"Me and Captain paid a visit to my Aunt," and they nodded in response as you explained.

Sasha then warmly embraces your arm and says. "Did you hear about the scout party this coming Saturday? It was a big party with lots of food."

You grimace as you heard it, and the three of you began to walk together to the dining hall for dinner.

"What do you mean by party?" You asked to them, to which Mikasa replied, "I don't know, they just suddenly announces it." You nodded as if you understood everything but still it keeps you wondering.

"Who's your date then?" Sasha asked to you. You look around the place as you arrived at the dining hall, and it is crowded and very loud.

"Is it really necessary to have a date at the party?" You asked to her as you took a seat next to Eren who is fighting with Jean while they eat, they were always like this, squabbling like a fools.

"Of course it is, my date is Connie and Mikasa…will be…Eren." After Sasha said it, Eren startled looking at Sasha, "W-what do you mean…date…me?" Eren stutter as he asked Sasha, Jean intently look at Sasha waiting for an answer, he wants to clarify if he hear it right.

"You’ll be Mikasa's date for Saturday's party, right?" He looks surprised. He gives Mikasa a shy glance before simply nodding in response to Sasha. Mikasa blushes and hide her face behind her scarf.

Jean stares at them both and feels envious of Eren. "How about you, Jean?" Sasha inquired, but Jean simply shrugged and returned to his dinner. "Someone fool is already her date," he remarked in a low tone that enraged Eren since he knew Jean was talking to him.

Their fight is about to begin once again but Armin called to a halt to it. "We still have remaining days to find a date Jean, we can find one." Armin said, a sad expression on Jean’s face, he knew it would be difficult to find a date for the party.

You began to eat, and they were as loud as usual. You laughed with them and had a good time with them; they were more than simply comrades, they were great friends.

You then start to wonder if Levi will be your date, since he is your husband. But you got hopeless as you realized he will never be your date, he hated you remember, and he even wants to annul the marriage. Wishing for him to be your date is a pipe dream that will never be realized.

You return to your room alone after dinner because Mikasa and Sasha have somewhere to go, so you go there first.

You’re wondering where Levi is because you didn’t see him in the dining hall, and neither did Erwin and Hange. Maybe they were preoccupied with something; they were leaders who were always on the go.

The surrounding was very quiet as you walked down the hallway; you pass into Levi’s room, which is also quiet; you just ignore it and continue walking as you though he wasn’t there inside.

After awhile of walking you turn at the corner, you furrowed your brows seeing a figure of a man standing in front of your room’s door.

You finally recognized that man as you walked slowly. It was Levi, who was looking down the floor with his arms crossed and his back against the door. Wait, what is he doing here? Did he wait for me?

You instinctively fallback when he notices your presence and stare at you, he then said. "Finally you're here." You gulp dryly as you go towards him, rubbing the back of your neck.

"W-what are you here for?" When you asked him, he stood up straight and stepped back from your door.

“Be my date this coming Saturday, because someone has been pestering me to date you.” You blink continuously, unsure if you heard correctly.

"M-me?" You asked, pointing yourself. "Damn it Y/N, I hate repeating myself. I’m your date for Saturday's party; you have to dress well, understood?"

When Levi asked you to be his date, you were surprised, and you wondered who he meant. Was it my Aunt? You returned his stare and responded with a nod.

Being his date is exactly what you want. “All right, good. Then get ready for a big celebration that night,” he says as he walks away. You stare at his back as he leave, leaving you wondering, is this for real? For the party, I’ll be his date.

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