Chapter 24

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"Did she wrote anything in the letter about where she was going?" Hange asked, Mikasa and Sasha shook their head in response to her.

They were trying to figure out where you went after you leave. They have no idea where you at.

On the other side of the couch, Levi was deep in thought, regretting his decision to let you go. He was scared that something horrible may happen to you, so he wanted to find you.

If he is ever unable to find you, he can’t forgive himself. He was chosen and promised to protect you. Now he wants to turn back the time and force you to stay even if you don't want to.

“I should’ve believed her, it must be the reason why she left.” Sasha grumbled. She felt guilty because of your leaving. "We need to find her." Mikasa uttered, determined to find you.

She was upset because you leave and wrote them a farewell letter in which you expressed your gratitude for them being part of your life and thanked them. She's very upset even to Levi.

She turns to face Levi and madly said, "You are the last person she’s with, you should've made her stay, you are the reason why he ended the contract and left because you're treating her, and you’re not protecting her, and..."

She pauses as tears falls down her cheek. They look at her as she began to cry, Sasha at her side sobbed as well. " she's gone," she continued,

They’re both crying and we're really upset because of your sudden leave. Hange took a sigh, unsure of what to do in the wake of you disappearance.

Levi suddenly took a stand and headed through the door. As a result of his behavior, everyone in the room took by surprised.

"Where are you going, Levi?" Erwin inquired. Levi opened the door and replied without looking back, "I'm going to find her."

As Levi was about to leave, a scout arrived with a report. He gave Levi a salute. "What is it?" Erwin inquired as he entered the office, saluting them.

"I’m here to deliver the message from the higher," the scout said as he walked up to Erwin and handed the papers to him, perplexing everyone in the room.

Erwin read it, the room is quiet, and they were waiting to hear what the report would be. Erwin quickly took a stand and lifted his head to face them after a brief minute of reading.

  “They were looking for Y/N, she is…she’s under arrest.” Everyone gasp in utter astonishment at the report they receive from the higher.

Levi clenched his teeth and frowned hard. “No, they can’t take her, she did nothing wrong.”

Levi remarked as he turned to leave the room, but he came to a halt as Erwin said, “She was under arrest, she was a spy, and must receive a hefty penalty.”

Levi was taken aback as he returns his gaze to Erwin. Mikasa and the rest were astounded when they heard it.

“No, she’s not a spy or anything bullshit, we’ve been together for a long time and she’s done nothing.” Levi responded, disputing Erwin’s statement.

Mikasa was surprised couldn’t believe on what she was hearing from Erwin, “What do you mean spy? I didn’t see anything suspicious from her.”

Erwin utterly close his eye as he sighed and sat back down in his chair.

“It’s a government order, we can’t disobey it, we were told to hand her up to them. We need to find her and hand her over to them, as they requested.”

Levi closes his fist as he approached Erwin and abruptly grabs his collar. “We’re not going to hand her over to them. You can’t just sit there and follow them. How can you say that--,” Levi was halted when Hange barged into them and yanked Levi away.

Erwin cleared his throat and fixed his collar. “Levi, we’ve got to--,” “No!” Erwin was about to explain to him but Levi cut him off.

He was mad, and everything was in disarray. He was going to attack him again when Hange drew him back, preventing him from doing so.

“Levi, that’s enough.” Hange said, as Mikasa and Sasha struggled in assisting her to stop him. Levi madly shrugged them off as he locked his gaze on Erwin, glaring him.

“I won’t let anyone lay their hands on her, and whoever fucks to hurt her, I’m going to shred their asses till death,” he shouted angrily as he turned around to walk away.

“Levi, wait…” Hange tried but failed to stop him as he slammed the door shut loudly. Everything now is messed up, Levi has left the head quarters to find you.

Wherever you go, he’ll do everything he can to find you and fix everything you’ve ended.

Levi rode his horse heading inside the wall Sina, thinking you may be there, so he went there alone and not wasting any time.

He roams around the place to search for you and it’s already late at night but he couldn’t find you. He leaves his horse and runs.

He curses every minute, as he was afraid that there might something bad would happen to you. He was groaning in frustration as he ran and ran. “Y/N, where are you?”

After running out of nowhere he heard shots in the distance, he was startled upon hearing it. “Y/N…”

He abruptly runs towards the location to where he had heard it. He felt nervous as he got closer, and he could almost hear his heartbeat in pumping so hard.

He was scared, and he hoped you were fine. After a while he finally arrived, but he gasps utterly seeing your condition.

His breathing getting heavy and his hands trembles when he sees you covered in blood with your knees on the ground and Kenny aiming a gun in your head.

Kenny smirk as he hears your cries and sees you struggle. Levi immediately dashed towards you just in time he finally pulled trigger.


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