Chapter 25

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“….too late?” You gasp out loud as he pulls a gun from his pocket and aims it at you, his sneer still on his face.

Before pulling the trigger to shoot you, you heard him said, “At this moment, they find out that you were a spy from the land of Marley.”

You instinctively moved your body and protected your head as Kenny finally pulled the trigger, but the bullet was much faster.

“Fuck!” You groan in pain as you fall, and your knees on the ground, after Kenny fired the gun at your leg. You cried in so much pain as you watched the blood spurt from your leg.

Kenny’s laughter could be heard as he began to walk towards you. You gasp for air as your body begins to weaken. You are now begun to think that it is finally your end.

When you felt him stop next to you, you lifted your head to face him. You even mange to grit your teeth while crying from pain.

“You have nowhere to go. Your pursuers are now looking for you, by the time they will find you; you’ll be sentenced to death. Instead I’ll kill you here before they can capture you, sound easy, right?”

When you heard what he said, your eyes widened. You want to fight for your life, to survive and see Levi again, but there’s no way to get away or leave.

After fighting with your thoughts you have come to realize everything. You’ve come to fight, yet you’ve come for your death.

What’s the purpose of fighting, for you to end your misery and live your life to the fullest?

Everyone is coming for your head; you’re not going to be saved any longer. You ended everything with Levi.

You face down and smile bitterly, tears still streaming down your cheeks. You’ve already accepted your fate, right, Y/N? This is the end of my suffering.

You close your eyes, your gaze remaining fixed on the ground. You drop your hands at your side, waiting for your death, waiting for him to fire his gun.

You cried as you remembered Levi; you close clenched your hand as you wished to see him for the last time. You did hurt him and it is unforgivable, you want to apologize. You want to live.

“Please, someone, save me!”

Kenny smirked before pulling the trigger. “Y/N!” You snap your eyes wide open when you hear Levi’s voice, you abruptly turn to his direction as you saw him running towards you and you hear a booming shot from the gun.

It was too fast, it happens in a blink of an eye. Your body stumbles on the ground after Kenny fired the gun. You found yourself lying, facing upward with Levi on top of you.

“Levi?” You see him took a deep breath as he look at you. “Thank goodness, I arrived just in time.”

Someone finally heard you and Levi came to save you. You sat down from lying watching Levi’s back as he stands in front of you as if he was shielding you.

He’s here to protect you, and seeing him here make you felt relieved. When you look at his back, you notice the blood on his shoulder and you gasp seeing it. He was shot. He was hurt once again because of you.

“Levi, you were--,” you were cut off as Kenny suddenly burst out laughing, leading you to turn at him and you shivers in his demeanor.

“Levi, I didn’t knew you were really into that girl.” He continued, laughing loudly. Levi in front of you gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

“I swear to kill whoever hurt her, even if it’s my own uncle.” Levi said making Kenny clap his hand as if he was amused. Levi responds with a frown.

Kenny looked at Levi and said, “You’ve really grown up, Levi.” As you stare at Kenny there was something in his eyes that you cannot explain. You wonder what's the meaning of that stare.

Then you heard rapid approaching footsteps in your direction. You gasp in terror as you realize who they could be, the pursuers that the government sent.

“It’s too late, they’re here.” Kenny muttered. You nervously tried to take a stand but you were unable to do so because of your wound and weak leg.

“Levi, get out of here, if you’re trying to defend me, they’ll kill you as well. I don’t want you to die…” you halt as your voice cracks and cried.

He shouldn’t be here, or else he will die. Levi turns to face you as he kneels down to wipe the tears from your face.

“…I’m sorry if I have dragged you into my mess. I ended the contract you are not bounded by the contract anymore. You should no longer protect me. Please leave.”

He hushes you and pulls you close to his chest, wrapping his arms around you. He then said, “its fine, Y/N, I’ll always be at your side. I am going to protect you, not because of the contract, but because you’re important to me…”

He tighten his grip on you, he smiled genuinely while hugging you. You may not be able to see it, but you can feel it. He then continued,

“…I love you, Y/N, please don’t leave me.”

You’re eyes widened after hearing him confess his true feelings for you. It's your first time to hear those words from him.

You remember what you said before as you two watched the sunset, it must be his response to your, “The sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?”

You thought it was the right thing to do, but it merely complicated things. It made you really upset because of your wrong choice, and you eventually regretted it.

“Whether you’re a spy, murderer, traitor, or thief, I will always choose you. I will be staying at your side so please don’t leave me again. I beg you to stay with me.”

You cried on his shoulder. You tighten your grip on him when you hear footsteps moving closer.

Your cries grew louder, “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…” You muttered within his embrace and the only thing you can do is to cry till your pursuers arrived.

You have nowhere to go. They’ve come to capture and kill you. Because you’re a threat to them, they’re eliminating the people who they think will ruin everything. You are their enemy, and you don’t belong here.

Levi rubbed his hand on the back of your head as you continue to cry. “It’s fine, don’t cry.” You can’t stop it even if he says so.

It’s just pain, you wished to live longer, to be with Levi and share a happy life with him. It hurts because it seems like it’s not going to happen. Everything will come to an end here.

“I’ll be here for you until the end, I love you.”

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now