Chapter 19

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You found yourself lying on the bed. It is a familiar place; you thought that you’ve been here before. After recalling everything and finally recognizing where you are, you sat down from lying wincing from the pain at your side.

You are in the infirmary. As you look around, you felt someone holding your hand, you turn to look at it and see Levi resting his head on the bed as he sleeping. He firmly hold your hand.

You leaned against the bed’s headrest as you watch him fall asleep. You wonder if he’s been here in a long while.

You reached for his cheek with your free hand. You pinch it, and his brows twitch as a result of your contact. You let out a silent giggled as you see it.

After that, you put your hand on his head and gently brush your fingers through his hair. You’re thinking that he might have the hard time to protect both you and Historia.

In addition, he’s watching over Eren. To compare yourself to them, you aren’t someone needed the protection. You are less important than Eren and Historia.

Levi was only bounded at you, making an arrange marriage for you to be protected, it was hard at first to gain the protection from Levi and now he’s doing it, but for what, and at what cost. You looked at him worryingly since you had given him so many problems today.

As you keep brushing his hair, he woke up and lifted his head to face you. “You’re awake, how was your feeling?” He asked, worried, as he fixes his seat watching at you.

“I’m fine, Levi. About Historia, did you manage to find her?” You asked back at him, he drop his gaze and responded with a shake of his head.

You pull your hand away from him causing him look at you. You averted your gaze, feeling remorseful for what had just happened.

“I’m sorry, I’ve made a wrong decision. I should’ve stayed with you that time, and you wouldn’t have been stabbed if I stayed.” He said.

You move to face him as he pulls your hand back at him, and gently caressing it with his hands. “I’m sorry…” he added.

The door opens as you two look at it, revealing a scout panting with exhaustion face, he remarked. “Captain, we’ve located Historia.”

You felt relieved hearing the report from the scout. Finally, Historia will be saved. You furrowed your brows and you were left confused when Levi remained seated.

You stare at him as he remained still. He then said, “You should've reported to Erwin instead. I’m staying here.”

You raised your brows and your eyes widened in bewilderment. He turns his gaze back at you and keeps rubbing your hands.

The scout was astonished as he look at Levi couldn’t believe and you were making the same reaction as him.

“Levi, what are you doing? You should go and rescue her.” You said to him and you felt his grip tightens at your hand.

He then replied at you, “It doesn’t matter to me, you’re the only one I should protect.” Hearing him say, it makes your surprised.

You forced him to marry and protect you, and now that he’s done it, even the most important person is in danger.

“Levi, it’s Historia who has to be rescued. Go!” He looks at you worried, you wanted to cry and want him to stay, you’re afraid that you're pursuer might kill you here when Levi leaves.

You were honestly scared. You want him to be here with you but they needed him. You must let him go to save her.

You saw him shook his head as he didn’t want to leave. “Levi…go…” you beg once again.  He’s a Captain as well as an Ackerman, and he must save Historia before it is too late.

Because she is in greater need of protection than you, you must force Levi to leave in order to save Historia. If not, who else will do?

“Levi, please save her…” He looks at you for a while as you beg him, even though what your mind saying is the polar opposite of what you’ve been saying to him.


“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine here.” You added to give him assurance. Seeing you pleading him like this, it leaves him no choice. You stare at him as he took a stand still holding your hand.

It hurts you to see him struggle over whether he should stay to protect you or leave to save Historia. He look at you for a while and breathed deeply before letting go of it. .

He finally decided, “I’ll be back, just wait for me.” The last thing he said before turning around and headed for the door. You close your fist as he walks away. Watching him leave, gives you pain. Maybe it is the time to let him go.

You look at window and watch the blue sky outside. You’re alone once again. You took a heavy breath as you keep your gaze outside.

It was hard, and it is exhausting. You’re thinking that you're just making Levi’s life difficult.

This problem of yours needed to be stop, and you were thinking of what you should do, you're only dragging them down with your own problem.

You just stayed inside the infirmary waiting for Levi to come back. You waited till the end of the day for him.

You were worried because he never came back since he left. You keep asking the nurse who’s monitoring you if they were able to save Historia but they didn’t, and they haven’t returned yet.

Because of it, you couldn’t sleep that night. It’s been a day since you last saw Levi, and you’re slowly regaining your strength, grateful that no one came to take your life.

Even though the ache in your side is lessening, Levi has yet to return. You’re hoping that he was fine. As you lay on bed, you let out a long sigh. You wished to leave, but you are unable to do so.

You stayed there for another day waiting for the report. You're worried if there's something bad happen to them.

You heard the door finally open, and you look at the door as soon as it opens. You were anticipating to see Levi, so you sat down from lying, smiling, but your smile faded in disappointment when you saw the nurse came in with medicines. You were expecting Levi.

When the nurse approached you to give you medicine, she chuckled as she looked at your face. You pouted as you drank water after taking your medicine. “Come on, don’t give me that look.” You put back the cup of water on the table.

“I have good news, they succeed, and they just returned.” You’re eyes widened hearing the news from her. “Really? Is Levi okay?”

She nodded smiling at you in response. You breathed in relief. You were about to stand up when the nurse stops you.

“You should stay here for a few more days for you to be fully treated.” You grimace at her statement. You wanted to see him. You want to make sure that he was fine.

“He’ll definitely come to visit you after he heals all of his injury.” Your eyes widened in surprise as she said it. “What do you mean?” You asked her as you began to feel panicked, fearful that it was serious or life threatening.

“Don’t worry, he’s only suffering from minor injuries like the rest of his squad. They are having the hard time rescuing her.”

You watch the nurse leave the room after giving you the medicine. As the door close you look down feeling so worried, if you never push Levi back then they won’t be able to save her, you’re glad that you let him go even if you don’t want to.

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