Chapter 18

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You proceed along the corridor and it’s quite inside; you’re wondering where everyone is. You couldn't also see Levi. You went outside and saw a shambles. You frown looking at the mess. What's going on?

The scouts were fighting a group of civilians, and you have no idea why they are fighting. You were about to approach it when you notice Levi in the distance grabbing Historia. When he approached you, you were perplexed.

"Levi, what's..." You can’t complete what you’re about to say because he grabs your hand and pulls you with him.

You were both surprised and confused by what was going on. Levi grabbed you and Historia as you three ran about with no idea where you were heading.

Afterwards, you halted in front of his office and went inside. Before letting go of your hand, he said, "You two stay inside and don’t go out until we fixed everything outside."

He then turned his back to leave, but you asked him prompting him to return you stare.

"Wait; tell me what's going on?" He paused for a moment looking at you, then sighed and walked towards you, his arms around your shoulder.

"Stay here, I'll tell you later," he says, leaving you with no option but to stay. You sat down on the couch, still wondering about the happening outside and you wanted to know badly.

You then turn to face Historia and ask, "Do you have any idea what's going on?" She looked at you and shrugged. "I don't know, it happen so suddenly and then Captain grabs me out of nowhere."

You sigh deeply after hearing her response. You two remained inside, oblivious of everything. You just had to wait for Levi to return and ask him about it.

You got up and walked through the window, looking out. It’s been an hour since you two have been there, and you’re starting to become worried.

You then heard the door open and you sighed. You turn to face the door in relief as you thought Levi returned. "Levi what's..."

You pause immediately widened your eyes when you see the person you’re afraid of. "Celine?" You mutter nervously as she closes the door and locks it. What the hell?!

"Finally..." She starts to walk with a knife on her hand. You heard Historia gasp in surprised and took a cautious stand.

“I will deal with you first, Y/N!” She exclaimed and dashed towards you to attack. You utterly gasp when she's approaching you.

"Historia get away from here--," you exclaim nervously but were cut off when Celine kick you off causing you to stumble to the ground.

You groan in exasperation as you never see this coming. You were left worried as you were thinking that she could be after Historia as well.

Levi isn’t here to protect you two; you and Historia are the only ones here. Only you can help yourself in this messed up circumstances, so you must fight.

Historia was astonished and terrified, unsure of what she should do. She was scared.

You fought back at Celine as she began to attack you with the knife, but you remained on the ground because Celine didn’t give you enough time to rise up and instead situated herself above you, taking advantage of this position to overpower you. "Historia go! Get out of here!"

As you were struggling under her, you silently gasp when you see Historia grab the vase from the table and run towards you two.

With Celine's focus in you, Historia throws it to Celine and it hit the back of her head, causing her to stop, the vase shattered and the parts scattered all over the place.

Celine clenched her teeth above you, then turned her head and glared back at Historia, causing her to recoil in fright and take a few steps back.

Shit, she should’ve just run! Celine didn't even flinch when she was hit, just how strong she could be.

Celine took a stance and stormed over to Historia. Shit, this is bad! With your strength you moved quickly, hitting and kicking, but she simply returns them stronger than yours. You can't beat her, she's far more powerful than you.

“Weakling.” She said with a sneer on her face that gave you creeps. She attacked you with a knife on her right hand, and you defended yourself with your hand, avoiding being stabbed. Historia took the opportunity to attack from behind.

Historia wraps her arm around her neck, choking her. Celine started to struggle. This is it; if you and Historia work together, you can defeat her.

You were about to unleash punches, when you suddenly came to a standstill, unable to move. You look down seeing yourself being stabbed with a knife.

“Y/N!” You heard Historia scream. You gasped, your eyes bulging in disbelief. You clutched on Celine’s shoulder, but she pulls the knife out of you making sputtering sounds. She kicks you as you fall to the ground, gasping.

You grasp at your side where you were stabbed as the blood continues to flow; it was deep and very painful.

You wanted to cry out of help, to scream your pain but you can’t. You look at them with your fading gazes; you see Historia collapses on the floor.

“Don’t worry, Y/N, you’ll be dead in an instant just wait for it.” Celine make a satisfied smirk as she carries Historia in her shoulder like a bag of rice and they leave.

You’ve been left lying on the floor; you relax your breathing, which is difficult to do. You have to tell Levi about this, you should find him.

With sputtering gasp, you took a stand with your unsteady legs. You have no more strength left.

You stayed still as the blood continue to drip onto the floor; you can’t take your step. You can’t walk, your body has become numb and your senses have begun to fade.

The door harshly opens, revealing Levi panting. His eyes widened seeing you coated with blood. “Levi…” you finally muttered in whispers.

Dropping your knees on the floor, Levi quickly approaches you in panic and tried to stop the blood with his hand. You could feel him tremble with his touch. “You’ll be okay, Y/N. Just stay awake.”

“Historia…Celine took Historia…” The last words you said before your body collapse on him. Levi was calling your name but you were unable to hear him, your senses faded.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now