Chapter 16

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“How come you went out without me? Did I say clearly that you should stay inside and not leave unless I’m with you? What if he killed you then? What if you die? What if…” he pauses, and look away brushing his hair in frustration.

As Levi chastised you for leaving his office, you’re currently in the office with Mikasa and Sasha. He then turns to face them. “You two can leave now.”

You honestly want to go with them because facing Levi now is terrifying. “No, you’re going to do something terrible to her. I’m staying here.” You instinctively look at Mikasa, who has returned Levi’s grim stare.

“Mikasa we can’t-,” Sasha was about to pull her to leave but then Levi said, “Leave! That’s an order!”

You shudder as Levi raises his voice; you’ve never seen him look that enraged before, and it terrified you.

“Mikasa.” Sasha on her side is scared throwing her gaze to Mikasa and Levi back and forth.

“Mikasa, it’s fine, you need to go.” You whisper to her. Finally she looks at you, and stare at you for awhile.

After that she took a deep breath and whispers back, loud enough for Levi to hear. “If something happen, just scream."

You return your gaze to Levi after watching Mikasa and Sasha exit the room but you are surprised as he appears directly in front of you.

When you meet his gaze, your entire body shivers. He scans your body with his eyes as he holds your shoulder.

“Are you hurt?” You were taken aback when he asked you suddenly, you response even you were in confusion by shaking your head.

You saw him took a sigh before he drew you closer to him and encircled you in his embrace.

Your eyes widened unable to comprehend everything wondering what’s going on. “Did it scare you?” He asked once again, and you responded with a nod.

You have no idea what’s going on, because this is unusual. You don’t understand why Levi is acting so softly.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t there to protect you,” he said as he tightened his grip on you. You hugged him back. You have no idea why he’s suddenly acting this way, but this is the first time you’ve felt safe.

You feel safe in his embrace and it is comforting. You never imagined the day would come, when someone, who promised to protect you.

“Y/N, stay with me, and I’ll protect you with my life.”

You were now sitting on the couch, unsure of what to do, while Levi was at his desk, working on his papers.

It was very quiet and the only sound you could hear was the sound of the papers he was working on, which was somewhat awkward. You even felt him cast a few glances your way, but you act as if you weren’t aware of it.

You took an encouraging breath and stood up, saying, “I’m going to sleep,” without looking him in the eyes.

You felt him pause and hear him put his pen on his desk. You didn’t wait for him to respond; instead, you walk towards the bedroom hastily.

You were about to hold the door when you heard him suddenly said, “I heard you like me, is it true?”

You immediately look at him surprised and make you speechless. You have no words to say, you just stare at him very astonished. How did he figure it out?

He then took a step forward, loosening the cravat as he approached you. You started to panic when he walks approaching you.

When he makes his way to you, you forcibly lean against the door. “I…w-where did you…who told you?” Finally, you manage to say but in wobbly voice.

He furrowed his brow and reaches for your hand. He pulls it up for him to see the ring on your finger. Then he playfully rubs the ring with his thumb as it shines.

You just stood there watching him as his gaze fluttered as he looked at the ring in your finger. “Who told me? Does it matter to know who told me?” he asked but his gaze fixated on your ring.

You run your eyes to see the ring in his finger that he was still wearing. “I’m asking you.” He said, as you return your gaze to him and finally meeting his eyes, which were now staring on you intently.

“Tell me, Y/N, is it true that you like me despite the fact that our marriage is only a contract?” You gulp dryly, you don’t know if it’s right to tell him your true feeling, isn’t he in love with Hange?

“I’m your husband. You should tell me.” Staring into his eyes leaving you no choice, you then answer to his query, “It’s true, I… I like you Captain.”

He curves a satisfied smile on his lips. You utterly gasp in surprise as his other hand snakes around your waist and pull you closer to him. He guided your hand he was holding onto his shoulder and placed it there.

He then pulls you to the center of the room. “What are you doing?” you asked as his hand on your waist and yours on his shoulder, astonished.

He simply smiled in response. “Let’s have this dance,” he said as you two came to a halt in the middle. He then moved his feet as you followed every step he took until you were able to keep up with him.

It was very quiet, you two danced without music. When you look at him, you can see the flutter in his eyes, and it melts your heart. It’s the first time you’ve seen him like this, and it makes you happy.

“Our first dance before was ruined, so let’s have it here instead.” He whispered, uncontrollably feelings you smiled at him genuinely.

You fell in step with him, and allowed him control the movement as the two of you danced slowly, without any rhythm or sounds, yet it was very romantic. His eyes sparkled, and he smiled so brightly, as if he was overjoyed.

Your hands ran through and circled them around his neck. You have an unexplainable feeling as you stare into his eyes and down to his curving smiled lips. You gulp dryly as you stare at his lips.

Then the smile on his lips disappeared, causing you to return your look to his, and you meet his eyes, which causes your heart to race.

He saw you, staring at his lips. He glances down on your lips, sending thrills down your spine. He leans closer, “C-Captain…” you nervously stammered. He pauses and looks at your eyes, “Levi, call me Levi.”

“Levi…” he chuckles so sweetly after hearing it from you. He then said, “That’s it, call me Levi.” leaning in close for him to feel your soft and warm lips.

You close your eyes and waited for his. It wasn’t the first time, but certainly felt like it. Finally, he placed his lip on yours, kissing you gently.

This unusual sensation is very beautiful. This moment is perfect and you want it could last forever. You brush his hair with your fingers as you kissed him back.

Suddenly the door opens harshly, you snap your eyes wide opened and violently push Levi back with your eyes wide open. You then turn to face the door, where you see Hange grinning.

“What the hell, Hange!” You hear Levi groan in irritation. Hange laughs in teasing way as she say, “Oops, sorry.”

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