Chapter 13

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Levi awoke at the crack of morning. He yawned and felt something warm embrace around him.

With wrinkled brows and a puzzled gaze at the bedroom door, he took the blanket that was wrapped around him. He took a stand and walked with the blanket.

He carefully opens the door and peers inside. He saw you sleeping peacefully on the bed. He walks towards you and wraps the blanket around you.

You unconsciously smile at the warm you felt, which makes Levi curve a gentle smile on his lips as he watched you sleeping.

You return to his office after making his fresh tea, but he was nowhere to be seen. You’re wondering where he went. You put the tea on his desk and leave it there.

You decided to go for a walk outside. As you reached the door of the office and before you could twist the knob to open, someone open it from behind.

You were startled and you automatically fall back seeing Levi. "Where are you going?" he asks as he walk inside and leaves the door open.

You follow him with your gaze as he walk towards his desk, where he takes a sip of his tea and turns to face you, leaning on his desk. " see the others." You reasoned out to him.

But, just as you were about to leave, you noticed something familiar on his finger. He was wearing it. You were surprised when he eventually put it on.

You exited his office and close the door as if you didn't notice it. You leaned against the door, your gaze fixed on the ring on your finger. You smile happily seeing Levi wears the ring it made your heart flutter.

"Y/N?" When you heard your name called, you instantly stood up straight. You turn to see who could it be.

You salute Commander Erwin with your fist on your chest as soon as you see him. "Is Levi inside?" He inquired.

You respond with a nod, "Yes, sir!" clearing the way for him to enter the office. You stood there watching him walk inside, clutching a stack of documents.

You brush your hair back and start to walk away. You're so happy today, just seeing the ring on his finger it made your day complete.

You then noticed Mikasa and Sasha from afar, and Sasha smiled as she waved her hand at you. “Y/N.” You exchanged greetings as you approached them. You three start walking.

“I still couldn’t move on, about the crime inside the wall Sina,” she began. “It’s very awful.”

"Yeah, and they blamed it on us scouts, how could they put the blame it on us." Mikasa concurred.

You simply listen to what they were talking. You have no idea what they’re talking about, you just remain silent and listen.

You three walks towards the throngs of people as you wander around the area. They stared at the paper posted on the wall as they gathered.

As they read the news, you could hear whispers. You look it more closely to see what was there, and they were enthralled. You read the article,

A middle aged woman in brown hair’ and ‘a middle aged guy in black hair’ were killed decapitated at separate locations, one in the Stohess district and the other in the capital.

You're breathing becomes heavy, your hands trembles and tears well up at the corner of your eyes. You couldn't even finish the article. Just reading that statement, your heart shattered in pieces.

This couldn't be.

You remained still unable to comprehend everything. They called you, but you didn’t response as you couldn't hear them because of the news. Mikasa then tapped you on the shoulder, causing you to come back to your senses.

"Y/N, are you okay?" She asked after seeing your pale face, she started to worried. You put a forced smile in your face as you replied, "Yes, I'm completely fine. I'm heading back now, I nearly forgot I have something to do."

After telling her this, you turn your back and walk leaving them behind. You wished you hadn’t seen it; you knew it was coming. You hoped they’d find way to survive, but they didn’t and they’re gone.

You walk heading back to Levi's office, paying no attention to your surroundings. You want to shut yourself inside the room because it’s too heavy for you to bear, and it is very painful to handle, it is too much.

As you arrived, you open the door of the office and walk towards the bedroom. Levi notices you and was already aware about the article.

"Y/N, you must tell us now on what is really going on." Before you could open the door you hear him say.

You furrowed your brows in frustration and tightens your grip on the knob, without looking back at him you said, "I already told you, that I won't tell anyone about it." raising your shaky voice, holding yourself back form crying.

Everything now is painful but you don’t want to cry. He walks towards you. "How can we help you if you won't tell us everything?" he says as he grabs your shoulder and turns you around to face him.

"You can trust us, Y/N." He added looking at your agonizing face. "I've heard about your aunt and uncle, I'm sorry." He murmured as he drew you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly.

The tears you’ve been holding back are finally flowing freely down your cheeks. You cried loudly on him; you’re in so much pain.

When you found out that they were dead, it shattered your world; they were your last family, and suddenly they were gone.

You're very happy back then, you thought the day will end with so much joy, it was already complete but not after you found out that your only and last family are now gone.

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