Chapter 5

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You eventually regained your strength after days of treatment. Levi comes to your rescue when you lose consciousness on the expedition.

Because there had been so many casualties at that point, they had to retreat, which meant they didn’t continue the expedition.

You're walking down the hall way, just in time Erwin called you.He hands you the papers he was holding, documents and you conclude it’s a report or something.

You give him a puzzled look. "Are you going to Levi’s office? Could you kindly give it to him instead?"

You hesitated at first, because of the last time your Uncle attacked Levi. You have no choice but to obey Commander Erwin because it is his command.

You walk towards Levi’s office which is his room also; you're thinking that maybe his room is connected to his office.

You’re just walking quietly, and it's now late at night, yet scouts are still busy loitering around.

After awhile you finally arrived at his office, you halted and take a long breath of encouragement before lifting your free hand and knocking on his door, which was lightly open.

You decided to carefully open it since its quiet inside. You slowly closed the door after entering, careful not to make any noise. You mouthed a silent wow in the air as you took a look around.

It is your first time here, it is very clean and everything is tidy, even the floor is gleaming. He’s known for being a clean freak but you’d never imagined that’s what they meant when they said clean freak.

When you walk into the room, you’re almost taken aback when you see Levi on his desk. You even hold your breath, fearful that he may become mad if you walked in his office without his permission.

His head resting with his arm on his desk, papers around and an empty tea cup on the side. You slowly leaned to him, slowly revealing his bare face.

You cover your mouth fearful of waking him up. He's sleeping, with his lips lightly parted and his brows are faintly furrowed. You wonder as to what his dream might be.

You stay calm, and carefully put the papers Erwin told you bring it to him, since he was sleeping you place it to his table instead.

You exhale quietly when you successfully place it without waking him up, but right after that, you gasp loudly in surprise when Levi grabs your hand suddenly. You look at him startled by his unexpected action.

His grip on you loosens after realizes it was you and not harm. Jeez, it scared the hell out of me. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he let go of your hand. He cleared his throat and straightened his posture.

"Uhm...C-Commander Erwin asked me to give you the documents, and that is why I am here. I'm sorry if I walked inside without your permission because your room is open and it is quite. I just thought that you go outside and I am-," you quickly shut your mouth after seeing his hand sign to stop you.

You remain silent for a moment uncertain of what you should do, maybe leave. "Since you're here, could you make me a cup of tea? I needed tea for this." He asks without looking at you and you obey it right away.

You took the empty cup on his desk and excused yourself, walk outside heading to the kitchen.

You sighed, and set the cup on the table. You took another cup to make new. You pause for a while thinking on what kind of tea that Levi is drinking. You took the cup that he used before to smell what kind of tea it is.

You were about sniff it, someone behind uttered. "It's black tea. He is drinking black tea." You instinctively look behind after hearing Hange's voice.

"Hange..." She smiled at you and said, "Why’s that midget asking for tea this late at night?" You follow her with your gaze as she walk around, grab a chair and sit on it. Settle down, her chin resting on her knuckles, staring at you.

You wonder as to why she's here. You ignore it and begin to brew a cup of tea. You took some glances on her, feeling awkward because she was still staring at you.

"It must be so hard to be his wife." You halted to look at her, confused. "I didn't do anything as his wife, so I can't say it's hard to be his wife." You simply replied to her, still wondering why she's opening this kind of topic out of nowhere.

She chuckled and said, "I know it's an arrange marriage but rest assured things will be better trust me." Your eyes widened after hearing it from her, and even your mouth gaped open from shocked.

"Wait, how did you find out about it?" You’re sure that Mikasa didn't spread it out, but how did she know, and who else know about the arrange marriage?

"Levi told me, don't worry it's only me and Erwin who knows about it. It must be so difficult to marry someone you don't love." You remain silent, awkward in the situation.

No, I loved him. I just can't tell that I really love him.

The tea is done, so you excused yourself to leave. "I'll go now, Good night Hange," She smiles at you and then she said back at you, "Don't worry about Levi being so cocky, he's just a midget who knows nothing about girls."

You furrowed your brows looking at her as she waves her hand and walked away. What the hell is she talking about?

You are now heading back to his office with his tea. You knock on his door and say, "It's me Y/N, I bring you the tea.”

You keep quiet to hear his response, then after hearing it you open the door and walk inside. You walked towards him careful not to spill his tea in the tray. You placed it on his table very carefully.

He took a sip on his tea, holding his cup in an oddly way and got back to his work. You look at his finger you notice that he’s still not wearing the ring. You sigh in defeat and with nothing to do, you decided to excuse yourself.

You were about to reach the door you pause when you hear him started, "Why did you chose me?" he asked.

You turn to look at him, trying to come up with the perfect words respond to his query. “I didn’t choose you, my Uncle and Aunt did.”

He stopped from working on the paper and took a glance at you, "Then why they chose me to marry you?"

You tighten the grip on the tray on your hand and pulls it closer to you. "I...I... because you're an Ackerman." You honestly replied to him.

It makes your heart skipped a beat when you told him the reason of marrying him. His expression remain still with his stoic look, "I see…" he only replied.

You wanted to say that you loved him, but your tongue got tangled leaving you unable to speak. Maybe it is not the right time to tell him your true feelings; he might feel disgusting towards you.

"Do you know that I’m in love with someone?" he asked, his gaze riveted on you. You have no idea what to say or how to react instead you chose to keep silent.

You know the possibility of him, being in love with someone so it is not that surprising to you but hearing it from him it hurts you so much. You never imagine that it really hurt this much.

"I love someone, but since I got married you, I haven’t been able to tell her what I actually feel for her, and it’s made me regret that I didn’t tell her sooner before you arrived."

You just listen to him as he talks to you. Still your grip on the tray tightens even more. Tears well up at the corner of your eyes, but you stay calm even your hands tremble from the sorrow in your heart.

As you look straight in his eyes, it is very clear, he hated you. "I am telling you this to let you know that even though I’m your husband and you’re my wife, we’ll never be in love. I’m in love with someone else.”

Damn it, I know it's not me and will never be me, but what choice do I have. He maybe my husband but I do not own his heart.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now