Chapter 21

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You were happy to walk down the corridor with Levi holding your hand as you made your way to the dining hall. It makes you very delighted to have Levi on your side.

You have no words to express you gratitude right now. Other scouts were staring at you as you walked by, but you choose to ignore them.

You believe your relationship with Levi is getting better; he no longer hates you, and you can sense it; you’re confident about this.

It’s been five months since you move to his room. After that incident that occurred when Historia was taken, everything returns to normal even though Celine was never captured but the security here inside the Survey Corps is tight.

No one can enter without permission. Everything appears to be in order, which makes you feel relieved.

“Captain Levi!” Someone exclaims. You two came to a halt when he approached and greeted Levi.

“What is it?” Levi asks to the scout. Before saluting him, the scout cast a quick glance at you, and his stare tells you something that makes you nervous.

“Erwin has called you to the office for important matter.” He said to Levi, and Levi nodded in response as the scout saluted him once more before leaving.

Levi sighs and turns to face you, still holding your hand. “I’ll be gone for a while but, I’ll see you later, okay?” He said to which made you nod in response to him.

Levi leaned in closer to kiss you on the forehead as you smiled and said, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

Before walking away, he smiled. You catch a glimpse of his back as he walks away, giddy with joy. He’s sure is sweet.

You are now alone and have arrived at the dining hall after a while. It was so loud that you could hear them outside.

You walk inside looking for your friends. You were perplexed as the room fell silent and everyone’s attention was drawn to you, giving you shivers.

You’re confused as to what is going on and why they’re staring at you so intently. When they start whispering, you move your attention around to look for them, feeling uneasy.

You finally saw Mikasa and others. You walk towards them ignoring the gazes of everybody. As you approach them, Mikasa gives you a look. You smiled at her.

You sat down beside her still wearing your smile, you’re trying not to ruin your pleasant morning, so you chose to ignore the disturbance of their gloomy faces staring at you.

You were left wondering when they didn’t look at you including Sasha. You look at them one by one as they remained still and eating their lunch not minding your presence.

You felt scared, you don’t know why but you had this impression that something was wrong.

Your smile faded right away seeing them like this. You face Mikasa and ask, “What’s going on?” She paused in her eating and sighed. “You’ve never heard it?” She asked, her face flushed with concern.

You responded to her with a puzzled frown and a shake of your head. Mikasa exhaled deeply once more before glancing down. “They know,” she replied.

You look around, confused, to discover that everyone is still staring at you and whispering. “They know what?” You asked as to what makes her look at you.

“Why did you hide it from us?” You turn to see Sasha, who is finally looking at you. “I…I didn’t keep anything hidden from all of you. Tell me what’s going on?” You inquired, and now you’re starting to panic.

You face Armin as he said, “We heard that you forced Captain to marry you, everyone knows, and they’re talking ill of you. Tell us Y/N, that everything is a lie, tell us the truth that they were mistaken.”

You couldn’t say anything as you stared at Armin, shocked. You were simply taken aback by everything. “Did you really pay for Captain to marry you?”

You took stand when you heard Sasha said it. You close your fist in tremble. You can’t deny any of it, everything what they said is the truth; everyone inside here already knew you can’t hide it anymore.

You take your step backward to leave, hearing Mikasa call your name, but you don’t turn around to look back.

You just walk up straight to leave this awful place. In the corridor, even though you heard their whispers, you ignore the scouts you walk pass.

“Can’t you believe that she use money to marry Captain Levi?”

“I’m sure she seduced him.”

“Yeah, we all know that Captain likes Hange but she stole him from her.”

“She’s a selfish bitch.”

You ignore all of them because it’s hurting you. You want to get away from them, run away, and hide.

As you finally reached Levi’s office, tears streamed down your cheek. You walk in and shut the door close. You hide yourself inside the bedroom where you cry your heart out.

This can’t be happening.

You don’t know what you’re going to do anymore. You can’t face everyone because of what happened. You weren’t expecting anything like this to happen.

You’re life this past few days were great and you think everything is fine now, but you’re wrong; nothing will change, and nothing will ever be fine.

You will never find light that you were seeking for. You’re only happy for a short period of time.

Who’s to blame? You’re the one who started it all; you’re the one who made it happen.

From behind the door, you heard a knock. “Y/N, are you there?” You quickly wiped your tears away and sighed deeply before responding. “I’m here.”

You head towards the door, you paused and stare at it as you were hesitant to open the door. You calm yourself before you open it.

Levi notices your swollen eyes, and you try to divert his sight by looking down, but he reaches for your chin and turns to face him.

“You shouldn’t listen to them, just ignore them.” He said as he wipes the tears that was still forming at the corner of your eyes.

You nodded to him and you try to curve a smile, sniffing from crying. It was very hard for you to ignore it but you’ll try thinking it’s for the best.

Levi holds your hand and pulls you. You furrowed your brows as you look at him. You asked still not recovering from crying, “Where are we going?” He only remain silent and continue to walk.

You two pause in front of a horse, and he finally said, “Somewhere far away.” You watched him as he mounts his horse.

You frown as you stare at his hand reaching out to you. “Come with me.” Despite your confusion, you take a hold of his hand as he help you getting up behind him.

“Hold on tight.” He said as he whip the reins as the horse starts to move. You securely clasped your hands around his waist, frightened of falling. “Just stay still; it’ll be a long ride.”

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now