Chapter 7

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You already know what Hange’s response will be. You chose to leave since you couldn’t stand hearing them confess their love for each other any longer.

You don’t want to hear any of it, it just hurt you. You don’t want to hear any more of t, it just hurt you.

You’ve returned to the training ground but since you’re injured, you’ve just sat on the ground and watched others train.

As you considered what you should do about the things you had heard earlier, you drew you knees close to your chest. You let out a long sigh, defeated.

You’ve been there in couple of minutes, you saw Levi walking inside the training ground looking for someone. You remained still, ignoring his presence.

“…here in the survey corps I’m your Captain not your husband. Don’t make full of yourself.”

You then remembered what he had said to you before.

You’re married to each other but here in the regiment, he is your Captain and you are only his scout. However, your love for him never fades despite the fact that he loves Hange.

You cast another glance at him, but you were surprised and subconsciously took a stand when he appeared next to you, staring at you.

Was he aware of my presence earlier? You nervously stare back at him. As he opens his mouth and is about to say something, closing your eyes and you exclaims, “I didn’t hear anything! I swear!”

You still close your eyes in utter nervousness thinking that he’ll punish you once again.

You slowly open your eyes, just to find his confusing face; you blink continuously thinking what’s going on.

“What are you talking about? I’m here to get you; we were going to visit your Aunt. She sent me a letter saying she wanted to see you.” You furrowed your brows looking at him.

So he didn’t mean about me eavesdropping to them? That is embarrassing.

“Come with me.” You were hesitant and were still in confused, but you go with him anyway.

You two ride on the carriage, and were on your way to your Aunt and Uncle’s residence in Stohess District.

It was quiet inside, and none of you started to make a conversation. You took some glances to Levi who is now staring out in the window, deep in thought.

You wonder to yourself on what if you hadn’t married him, what if you didn’t agree with your Aunt, what if you hadn’t came here to survey corps and meet him, what if you hadn’t join the scout and ruin Levi’s life? Will Levi and Hange ended up together?

You have so much what ifs running through your mind but it’s too late, you’ll never be able to undo what you’ve done.

Finally after a long and awkward silence Levi started, “I am planning to annul our marriage.” breaking your heart into a million pieces.

He said it to you, his gaze remaining fixed on the outside. You just stare at him surprised, couldn’t believe that he was planning to end the marriage.

Is this one of the reason of why we’re going to visit my Aunt?

You remained calm even you were in pain, you’re good at it, hiding your emotions. No one has ever seen you cry.

“Honestly, I regret marrying you; I made a wrong choice in marrying you.” He now finally looks at you as he said those words.

Even at this point, you felt everything was so heavy, so you closed your fist to keep yourself calm and composed.

“I…I’m sorry if we forced you to marry me.” You only muttered. It is sad, but you must accept. You lower your head and clasp your hand together firmly, terrified to meet his gaze.

You’re afraid that if you look him in the eyes right now, you’ll end up crying in front of him, which you don’t want to happen.

Once again the inside covered with silence. You remained still until you arrived at your destination.

You breathed heavily, as you and Levi walk inside the house, it was unusually quiet inside. You’re left wondering where their servants and assistants have gone.

You saw Aunt Shiela walking down the stairs and looking so happy to see you. As soon as she reached you, she gives you a hug.

You sat on the couch, and Levi sat on the couch across from you, but he remained silent, observing the surrounding, as it was his first time here.

“What happened to you, why you were covered with bandages?” She asked, you were thankful that your Uncle is not around since he could freak out if he saw your battered state.

“I got it from training.” You replied to her. You looked around to look for your Uncle but he wasn’t around so you ask, “Where’s Uncle Martin?”

She sighs as she hold your hands, she then said, “There’s something he need to fix.” But you got worried as she sounded so sad. You glance at Levi, thinking what he will say regarding his plan to annul the marriage.

“Y/N…” she whispered softly as she drew closer to you, her grasp on your hand tightening.

“What is it, Aunt Shiela?” you asked to her returning her low tone of voice so Levi couldn’t hear it, but it useless because he has good senses, and is simply behaving as if he didn’t hear anything.

“…this might be the last time to see each other. So please, Y/N, take care of yourself.”

You immediately know what she meant and it scares you. This is the moment you’ve been dreading for a long time, and it’s finally arrived.

Your heart begins to race, and with a heavy feeling you response to her as if you didn’t understand her and denying to yourself, ‘W-what are you talking about? I’m going to visit here more often if you want…” you pause when she shook her head.

You nervously look at her as tears stream down her face. She cries, never wanted to let go of your hands because she believes this is the final time she will hold them.

Levi, the other side, is perplexed as to what is going on, but he remained silent and is simply listening to you two.

She then turn to face Levi, she calm herself before saying, “We choose you to protect her, and we were very grateful that you accepted it, and I know thanking you isn’t enough but I am very happy. Please, protect Y/N at all cost. Whatever will happen, I beg you to protect her with your life. I know it sounds insane and selfish but I beg you. Please save her.”

It breaks your heart to see her pleading for you. They’ve been there for you since you were a child, teaching you, protecting you and guiding you. It really hurt to see her cry.

It was more sad because Uncle Martin was not here, you wished to see him, but you are unable to do so. After staying there for a while, you were now leaving and back to the head quarters.

You walk towards the carriage to return and Levi is already inside. You took a deep breath before facing your Aunt.

“Thank you so much for everything, Aunt Shiela …” you pause when you felt your tears forming at the corner of your eyes. You don’t want to cry especially in front of her.

As much as possible, you hold back your tears. You smile to her as you continued, “Thank you so much for your service to our family even up to this day.” You then offer a tight hug, it was a farewell hug.

“Please tell Uncle, that he is the best Uncle in the world.” She nodded still crying, you sigh heavily, it pains you that knowing already that it might never ever reach him.

Before getting inside the carriage, you look at her for the last time; and it hurts you to see her smile and waving at you to bid a goodbye.

This is a farewell Aunt Shiela and Uncle Martin, until we meet again.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now