Chapter 4

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Before getting on your horse, you double-check your gear to make sure if it’s working good.

Finally, the day of the expedition arrived. You’re now in the last row of your team, with Levi leading the squad from the first row.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the expedition; you see the large gate open, displaying the peaceful area beyond the walls.

You tighten your grasp on the rein before moving forward together will all the scouts.

Riding in your horse, you scan the area for the chance of the titans appearing out of nowhere.

Even if you’ve been outside the walls before, you’re still terrified, thinking about being eaten alive by a titan.

It terrifies you to consider any of it. You got snapped back to your senses when you heard Levi commanded. "Titan on the right is approaching. Split into two, we’ll proceed as planned."

"When we go outside the walls, I’m going to split our team. I am going to decide who's on my team and who’s going to lead the other."

After Levi made his decision, you were teamed up with Jean, Armin, and Sasha. You really want to be on his side, but you can’t since it’s his decision.

"Why not Y/N be on your team, she's your wife," Mikasa said unexpectedly. You were taken aback, your eyes widened, and you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.

Levi turns to face you, "I know she can handle herself." He then said looking at you, with nothing to say you just nodded in response.

You and Jean, Armin and Sasha head to the left, while the rest go to the right. As you continued to move forward, heading to your meeting location with Levi, you heard a loud howl from behind you.

As you all turn to see what’s behind you, Sasha exclaimed horribly, “W-what’s that?!” You hear another howl. "What the..." you all gasp in horror to see large numbers of titans speeding up in your location.

You whipped the reins and accelerated your pace. "Quick, we're going to outrun it; there's no way we can win against them." You shouted back at them.

Your eye widened as you saw your teammates’ horrified expression. They couldn’t hear you because they were all terrified and shrouded in terror.

You look back to find the titans closing in on you. You then saw scouts fighting the titans from behind, but they were too many to handle. "Fuck!" you exclaimed as you drew your blades and prepared to battle.

"Armin, keep moving forward, I'll fight with them." You said as you beckoned Armin, who is now staring back at you with horror face in his eyes.

"Wait, what? What are you..." You drew a deep breath before you use your gear to hook up on the tree, you then shouted to Armin, "Faster, I'll buy you some time. Go!"

You hear Armin yell your name, but you ignore it. You shift your attention to the scouts who were screaming, struggling for their lives and other scouts who were being devoured alive.

You watch at the titan who smiling walks towards you, you flew over, heading to the titan’s nape.

As you perfectly landed on it, you fiercely smash its nape, quickly killing it and releasing scorching steam from its body.

You landed on the ground as the titan fall next to you. "I can do it, all I have to do now is slit their nape.”

You eliminate all titans who approach you. You simply kill them with all your might in order to survive.

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