Chapter 22

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It had been a long ride until you arrived. You cast your gaze around you, softly muttering ‘wow’ fascinated by the beautiful view.

You two stop on the cliff’s edge. From here you can see the entire district. You felt the breeze on your skin and gazed up at the beautiful sunset with cloudy skies.

You bitterly smile remembering everything that happened earlier, the sunset reminds you to reset everything. As you watch the beautiful scenery, all you could think about was resetting and start a new beginning.

“Do you like it here?” He inquired, and you nodded despite the fact that he couldn’t see you from the rear.

Your chin rests on Levi’s shoulder as your hands wrap around his waist. You just remained silent, watching the sunset. You could feel his warm hands clasping yours.

“If you’d like to stay here, we can leave the Survey Corps and live here…” You’re eyes widened hearing him said it. He then continued, “…far from people, only you and me.”

You never expected to hear it from him. Him offering you to have life here with him is something you never expected.

“You can’t quit the Survey Corps, yet you’re the humanity’s strongest soldier...” you said, shaking your head. “...they need you.” You only hear him sigh.

You curve a smile on your lips he can't see you. “Thank you…” you said in a low tone. Levi leaned in closer to you with his head tilted. He rested his head against yours. The contact gives you butterfly.

“…but, please don’t choose me over the humanity. I only married you because of your strength as an Ackerman, you did your part in protecting me, and I am very thankful for your protection.” You added.

Levi frown as you said that. Staying like this he murmured back at you. “I didn’t do it because of the contract or anything related to it. I did it because that was how I felt and what I wanted. So don’t say anything as though you owe me.”

You were rendered dumbfounded by it. You’re not sure if you’ll be happy or not. You thought that Levi deserves so much better, and maybe this is the right time.

You hope that it won’t hurt him, and maybe this is the best way for Levi to get what he truly deserves.

You tightened your embrace around him as you called him. “Levi…” he hums in response to you. You smile bitterly before continuing, “The sunset is beautiful, isn’t it.”

Levi gives you a startled expression as you say that to him. It confused and surprised him. You keep your smile as you look at him.

You pointed the sky with your lips as you said. “Look at how beautiful it is.” Levi stares at you for a while as if he was in deep thoughts.

Before sighing and returning his sight to the sky. You were thinking that he maybe get what you are trying to say as he said. “Don’t ever leave me.”

You decided to walk to Mikasa and Sasha’s room when it was about noon. While they are undergoing training, you take advantage of the chance to place the letters you made for them the night before.

You tell Levi that you’re not feeling good and needed to go to the infirmary, but the fact is that it’s because of this. You couldn’t give it to them in person, so you sneaked inside their room when they weren’t around.

You enter the room as you arrived. You walk towards their table and place the letters on their table. You sat down on the bed and had a look around.

Earlier in the training before you leave Sasha and everyone never talk to you except Mikasa, well she already knew. It comes as no surprise to you because you understand them.

You had a sour look on your face, feeling sad. You lie down on the bed and utterly close your eyes. “I’m going to miss you two.”

You left the room after leaving the letters you had written for them. You walk towards the office just in time Hange hailed you from a distance, and you noticed Historia at her side.

“Is Levi on the training grounds?” she asked, and you responded with a nod. Hange thanked you and smiled at your response. “See you later, Y/N.” Waving her hands to bid a goodbye, you only smile back at her.

You stood there watching them walk away, unsure why they were looking for him, but it could have something to do with Historia.

You entered the office; it was quiet and lonely inside. You sat on the couch, gripping the papers in your hand, waiting for Levi. You roam your eyes inside the office while you wait for him.

You’ve been here staying with Levi for a long time. That long period of time, it gives you so much joy when you finally lived together with Levi but when you find out that he wasn’t sleeping on the bed, it makes you feel bit disappointed, but later on everything goes well.

Things change, and you never imagined this day would arrive, which is very sad. You bitterly chuckled remembering your memories with Levi here inside the office and how he hated you before.

You leaned back feeling that everything is so heavy. It was painful for you, you're life is always a mess, everything will never be fine.

The door finally opened after a half-hour wait, revealing the person for whom you’d been waiting.

As he saw you, he gently smiles towards you. “Are you feeling good now?” You return it with a bitter smile. Incredulous, he furrowed his brows.

After noticing the papers in your hand, you watch him walk towards his table. He place the cravat on his desk, he sat down and stared at you.

You gulp dryly as you meet his eyes, and suddenly you’re feeling hesitant. You regretted as you looked him in the eyes.

“What is it?” He asked, his finger pointing to the papers you were holding. You took a stand and walk towards him. He merely stares at you, confused.

You don’t know if this is the right decision. You don’t know what’s right and wrong anymore. Even though you are unsure of yourself, you have made a decision.

It’s now your fight alone and you don’t want to drag Levi anymore. You handed him the paper you were holding, and he looked at it, puzzled, before returning his gaze to you.
You took a deep breath before saying,

“I’ve terminated the contract of our marriage, and you’re finally free.”

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now