Chapter 23

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“What?” He took a step forward as his eyes wide open, unable to comprehend what you had just said, and he was rendered speechless.

“I ended the contract.” You told him once again as you took his hand in yours and placed the papers in it.

When was perplexed as he look at it he said while staring at it, “What are you talking about? Why--,” he stop as you cut him off by saying, “Thank you for protecting me until today and this is the end of everything. Thank you very much.”

After saying that, you turn away from him and begin walking away. He throws the papers on the table and walk towards, you stopped. “Y/N, don’t do this. You can’t just leave and claim you want to end everything.”

He eventually got closer enough to grab your hand and turn you around to face you. “Why are you doing this?” He asked, looking at you with frustration in his face.

You yank your hand free from his clutches and stare him down square on the eyes. “I’m sorry, Levi, but I really wanted to stop it.” You said to him, he frowned and brushed his hair with his finger.

“Why, what is your reason? Am I being tough with you? Is there anything I did wrong? Tell me.” He said and now holding you on your shoulder.

He was frustrated, you did it all out of sudden and he wasn’t expecting any of this. You shrugged him off and stepped backwards away from him.

“You didn’t do anything. I just…I want it to stop.” You said and walked away sternly, you have to hold the tears until you get away.

“Y/N, please don’t do this.” You felt him followed you as you finally exited his room. You take your steps quickly, walking away and leaving him. However, he was fast and was able to catch you.

He wraps his arms around you, caging you in his embrace and refusing to let you go. “Don’t make it hard for yourself. I’ve already terminated it, we’re no longer married. Please let me go...”

You pauses when your voice cracks, you felt your tears stream down you cheeks. He stiffened behind after hearing what you said to him.

You felt his tightly wrapped hands soften as they slowly dropped to your side. Without looking back, without looking at him, you took your steps forward to walk away.

As you walk away from him, all he does is stare at you. He was hurt but he can’t do anything, it was already done.

I’m sorry.

It’s been an hour since you left, and you’ve even sent Commander Erwin your resignation letter, so everything is good now.

It was already midnight; you continued walking alone in the dark inside the Wall Sina, which was quiet and empty.

You simply keep walking waiting for them to appear. You’ve finally accepted your fate, believing that this is the only way to end your misery.

After a moment of walking, you heard rushing footsteps. You heavily sigh and bitterly smile; it was the time to put everything to an end.

You look down at your hand holding a knife. You chuckle bitterly at yourself for being so pitiful. Why do I have this? Do you still wish to live, Y/N?

You're still walking as you sensed someone is approaching you. You tighten your grip on the knife as you felt it was near.

You instinctively swerved the knife in your hand to the person who attacked you from behind. You adopted a position with your knife pointed at her.

She laughs at you as she wipes the blood on her cheek as you successfully cut her but it was too small.

“Bitch, I never expected this.” She said smirking as she licks the blood from his finger. “I never thought you’re still alive, how many lives do you have, huh?”

You grimace at her as she begins to get into your nerves. “How about that Ackerman you married, isn’t he supposed to protect you?” She added.

“You sure talk a lot, Celine.” You tighten your grip on the knife even more as you move forward to attack her.

You’re terrified; you have no idea if she has backup waiting for an opportunity to attack and murder you. You’re scared, but you’re not sure where your courage comes from.

Attacking her with a knife, giving her punch and kicks you are able to match her strength. Celine was taken aback by your actions; she hadn’t expected anything like this.

She was confused and shocked as she tries to avoid all of your attacks. Knocking her off on the ground, she groans in irritation, “You bitch!”

She took a stand and charges to attack you again but you swiftly dodge it all and give her a kick, causing her fall on the ground once more.

You placed yourself on top of her, reaching down and punching her continuously on her face. She struggled.

You felt like you’re outside of yourself. You watch yourself beating down Celine, blood streaming down her nose. She begs and cries.

“I’m sorry...please don’t kill me…please…” You just face down her with empty emotions, you’re scared back then, but it faded right now.

You can smell how scared she is, you felt incredibly powerful, more powerful than her, more powerful than anyone. You’re life is a mess because of them and now without the help of anyone you’re going to kill them.

You continue to punch her until she loses her consciousness. Her face coated with blood, you stop when you notice she was not moving anymore.

She was almost lifeless. You could see she was still breathing but were unconscious. You’ve finally beaten her. You raised the knife in your hand to stab her to death.

“What a wonderful fight, congratulations.” You flinch hearing this familiar old voice. He claps his hand as you turn to see that man.

“Kenny…” You took a stand, looking at him. He stops clapping as he gives you his smirk. “It’s too late.” You frown as you look at him confused.

“….too late?” You gasp out loud as he pulls a gun from his pocket and aims it at you, his sneer still on his face.

Before pulling the trigger to shoot you, you heard him said, “At this moment, they find out that you were a spy from the land of Marley.”

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now