Married to Ackerman

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A/N: This is the final chapter. Thank you for sticking with me all the way to the end of this story. Thank you for taking time to read and vote. Thank you so much.

You enter the office with a stack f documents in your hands. Everything has finally at peace. They finally putting an end for the government for the schemes they did and have enthroned the true king of the walls. They eliminated the fake king and now the walls are finally led by Historia.

You smile as you saw Levi on his desk. As he looks at you, he took a stand and walk towards you. You are now again part of the survey corps and are participating in making plans and strategy.

You’re telling them everything what you have learned about the Marley from your mother. You never imagined everything would come to at ease.

Kenny has been released, as you requested, and is now working at the side of Historia. He was still devoted to the royal family, and you’re happy about it.

Celine on the other hand, is now in prison as she worked under the government, as she deserved. No one will ever come near for your life again. Everything now is fine; you are now having a peaceful life.

As Levi approached you he took all the stuffs in your hand and placed them on the couch. You could only look at him as he grabbed for your waist and clasped you in his arms, giving you a quick kiss.

“Can we just retire and live together? I want to be with you.” He murmured. You encircled your hands around his shoulder. You pouted staring at him in the eyes. “I’m with you, we’re already together.” You replied.

He reached for your check and gently caressed it before tucking your hair behind your ear.

He then said in a low tone, “I know, but all I want is for you and me to be together, just the two of us, creating our family instead of fighting titans. I mean, all our enemy now is the humanity outside the walls, and it would be more chaotic.”

Hearing what he said caused you to realize something. He is right, there may be peace now, in the next few years will be more chaotic than you can imagine.

You look at him and smile, “We should trust our comrades, I know we can do it together with them. We can win and bring back our freedom.”

He gives you a long stare before returning your smile. He nodded while smiling at you. You watched him pull his right hand away and go for his pocket.

You furrow your brows in bewilderment as he takes something from his pocket, and you stare at it as it glows. You totally gasp and widen your eyes in surprised when he bring it in front of you afterwards.

“Levi…” He wears a genuine smile as you were left dumbfounded not expecting this. While you’re still in one other’s arms, your gaze is drawn to the ring he’s showing to you.

It was a different ring that you were wearing before. As you ended the contract before, you had lost your ring because of the chaos you are into that time, and now, finally he was offering you a new ring.

“This time, let’s make it all real. Without a contract or anything...Y/N, will you marry me? ”

You return your gaze to Levi with teary eyes. He added before you could respond, “Let’s do it for real.” Without nothing to say, out in joy you nodded at him smiling widely. You hug him tightly, as tears of excitement flood down your cheeks.

You are happy as it happened; you can’t ask for anything more; this is everything you’ve ever dreamed. You are now enjoying the life of your dreams.

“Is everything ready, oh God...quick, the bride is here…wait, Levi…Levi!” Hange was in panic in organizing everything as the wedding was about to begin.

Everyone inside the church was very excited and anticipated to see you.

The wedding ceremony started with beautiful music. You walk down the aisle, feeling so nervous. You felt the stares of everyone towards you, they were so happy to see you in your white gown.

You roam your eyes around the big church, admiring its elegance and beauty. Before, just only Aunt Shiela and Uncle Martin were around, but this time, everyone is here, including the scouts, and your friends. You saw Mikasa and Sasha looking at you smiling while crying.

As you continue to walk, you can’t help yourself to be in tears it was really a beautiful day, a beautiful moment in your life.

The marriage contract is now turning to be real. There’s no agreement, only pure love. As you came near to the altar, you found Levi staring at you.

You can remember how your wedding before, how sad Levi felt back then, and this time, he was very happy, smiling at you so happily.

As you approached him, he held your hand and brought it to his lips, he then gently kissed it. You stare at him as he warmly smiles looking at you.

You can see in his eyes how happy he was to be with you. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered. You smile back at him as you replied, “You’re so handsome.” He chuckles as the two of you walk towards the altar.

You’re nervous and excited at the same time. You’re both happy as you stand in front of the altar, this is it that you two anticipated for.

He holds your hand firmly as the priest began to speak. You can feel his warm hand in your grip.

Exchanging beautiful vows, you look at him never expecting that everything that had started to turn out to be real. You’re now his real wife and he’s become now your husband.

The wedding is witness by everyone, there’s nothing to worry and nothing to hide. This moment of your life, will always to remember, and your memorable wedding is ended with a beautiful kiss.

“Life is beautiful.” You are happy in your life, and you are now living with no fear. Keep running and hiding from the mess, you have finally seen the light and have been saved.

Keep yourself hiding for years, hiding from the mess, you never imagined the day would arrive when someone would reach out for your hand, lift you up, and save you.

Things have changed because of him. He ended your suffering and offers you a new beginning.

Life has never been easy, and you believe that marrying an Ackerman will save your life.

It truly is, many things have happened but he has never surrendered and has always stays by your side. You are now happily married to your Ackerman.

The end.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now