Chapter 14

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You sipped the tea Levi had prepared for you. You finally calm down and rest on the couch with Levi sitting next to you after letting out your emotions and crying in from of him.

He was there to console you after your loss and the anguish you were experiencing at the time.

You exhaled deeply and put the cup back on the table. "Y/N, you can tell us on what is really going on, we can help you." You hear him says, you just keep your head down and remain silent.

You’re not sure if telling him is the correct thing to do, and you shouldn’t trust anyone but its Levi. He was chosen to be your husband and protector.

"Tell me what's going on, you can trust me." He murmured which makes you stare at him.

It was odd to merely stare at him in the eyes. It’s not like his expressions are constant stoic; you can’t tell, but there’s something in his eyes when he stares at you.

You avert your gaze, and look down on the floor. It was long silence before you started to speak, telling, "Uncle Martin and Aunt Shiela are not my true family. They only work for my family..." You grabbed a hold of your cup, feeling the warmth in your hand.

Levi took a sip of his tea while listening to you, you noticed in your peripheral vision.

You continued, "My whole family has been murdered, and...I'm the only one left. Uncle and Aunt have been keeping me safe and away from those who murdered my family." You paused to sip your tea.

You felt Levi turns his face in your direction. "And that is why they picked an Ackerman for me, to protect me..." You said it in a low tone, recalling the incident that had occurred in your life, in which they murdered your family right in front of your eyes.

“And Kenny is after your life...” Levi uttered with a deep sigh. You just drink your tea until you finish it.

You set the cup on the table, empty. "…but why?" He continued asking, turning your gaze to him as he continues to stare at you.

Should I tell him?

You then averted your gaze and said, "The government is after my life, that's all I can say for now." You stayed still after saying it.

"Government?" He murmured but not enough for you to hear it. He was confused as to why the Government was after your life. He looks at you, staring at your sad and exhausted face so he didn't bother to ask for more.

It was late at night and your eyelids were thick from crying so much earlier, drowning you to sleep. You suddenly felt his warm palm on your hand.

It took you by surprise which causes you to look at him immediately. He then said, "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you."

You’re eating with Levi in the dining hall. You take a seat next to him, causing everyone in the place  to stare in your direction.

You just sit there in quiet, ignoring them, which in facts it causes you so much uncomfortable.

Hange was looking at you two giggling as she said, "Finally, Levi, you gave her importance. Wife should be treated right." You were taken aback by what she just said.

Levi only looks at her side for awhile and back to his meal. Then you turned your attention to the ring on his finger, it suits him.

You look down at the ring on your finger, which makes you smile because of the joy in your heart.

You’re overjoyed when he finally puts it on and promises to protect you. Being by his side makes you feel safe, what he had said makes you at ease even the awful happening in your life.

After lunch, you and Levi heads to the training ground watching everyone. You’re so perplexed as to why he won’t allow you have your training that you’re just standing on the corner with him. It’s all new to you, and you’re not used to Levi acting this way.

As you look around someone caught your attention, you furrowed your brows looking at her not knowing who that new girl is.

You leaned in closer to Levi to ask, “Captain, who is that blonde girl battling with Armin?” He takes a peek at the female you mentioned.

“Her name is Historia Reiss, and I’m not sure why Erwin put her on my squad. He even told me to keep an eye on her.”

“Reiss?” You couldn’t believe on what you have heard. Levi gives you a puzzled expression.

“Do you know her?” It makes you to look back at him right away, and it catches you off guard. “I…no, I’m not familiar with her.” You finally replied to him.

You immediately averted your gaze away from him as he responded with a nod. You fixed your eyes on that girl. You instantly remembered what your mother had said to you before,

“The true ruler of the walls is the Reiss family.”

Commander Erwin put her on Levi’s watch to protect her, so you wonder whether he knew.

So he was going to protect the both of us, can he be able to do that? Also, there’s Eren that he was watching over.

You took a glance on Levi at your side who is keeping an eye on all of his members, and you worry that it will be difficult for him to protect you.

You’re now terrified that he’ll discover the truth, the truth of your life. Will he still be going to protect you?

You have so many worries in your mind right now. You’re thinking that you’re not worthy of his protection.

When Levi senses your stare, he turns around to face you. “What’s the matter?” You get back to your senses when Levi calls your attention.

You shake your head and said, “Nothing.” After hearing it from you he then walks towards the scouts uttering, “Okay, that’s it for today, dismissed.”

As he moves towards them, you just stare at his back. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. Things will be better; I’m just overthinking things.

“What are you doing? Let’s go back inside.” You open your eyes to see Levi calling you from afar, saying those words. You walk towards him.

No, he’s already promised to protect me, so I shouldn’t be concerned.

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