Chapter 10

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"Do you think we’ll never find you if you end up marrying Levi Ackerman? Those two old people sacrificed nothing; do you think we’ll never find you?"

You eyes widened as you looked at her, and your hand began to tremble with fear, they’d find you here.

She even takes the seat directly in front of you. You don't know who she is, but you’re certain what she’s up to. She is here because of you.

If they are here Aunt Shiela and Uncle might be...

You hold a grip on your dress, and the dread in your eyes is visible, which causes her to laugh evilly, but the music is loud, and everyone is too engrossed in the party to notice. You don't know if you're going to run or stay here. Levi, where are you?

Your gaze dropped to her hand, which revealed a knife. You cautiously return her stare only to see her nasty smirk, knowing that she will attack you at any moment. What am I supposed to do now?

"Should I kill you here, right now?"

You close your eyes completely, feeling defeated, with so much fear and nothing you can do. What else can I do now that they’ve found me?

You remained still with trembling and sweat hands. At this time you accept defeat. You didn't even think to fight, you immediately accepted your fate even if it scares you.

Then you sensed someone sitting next to you, and you flinched in dread. She's here, she's going to kill me.

You continued to close your eyes and breathed heavily. "Y/N?" You snapped your eyes open wide to hear his voice, and you stare at him still, terrified.

You look around and see Erwin on the other side, you breathed in relief, you were saved.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at you, you took a deep breath but before you could say something, Celine uttered, "She wanted to dance with you but you left which is why she is sad."

You look at her, and she changed her smile so quickly. She’s playing with me.

She then turned to face you, "Right, Y/N?" You were startled as you meet her eyes once again; you try to calm yourself and responded, "Y-yeah, she's right." You tried to curve a smile on your face, pretending nothing had happened.

"Go, dance her Levi, she must be anticipating to dance with you." Erwin said smiling to Levi.

You could feel him sigh at your side before offering you his hand to dance with. You reached for his hand and took a stand without hesitation. You wanted to get away from her, she's dangerous.

You wanted to tell him, but you were afraid he wouldn’t believe you. You and Levi walks toward the center. He wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer, as you place your hands on his shoulder.

You were only afraid while dancing with him. You keep your eyes peeled around the place, fearful that someone will attack you from behind.

Levi notice your behavior and inquires, causing you to snap and return his stare. “What’s up, you’ve been acting strangely since we left you and Celine, is there something wrong?"

You cast a glance over to the table, but knowing she wasn’t there only adds to your fear. Only Erwin could be seen on the table, drinking his wine.

Where did she go? Is she behind me?

Fearfully, you tighten your grasp on Levi’s shoulder. "What's going on?" You look back at him; you don't want him to worry so you decided to leave.

"I'm...I'm going home." You whispered to him and takes a step backward. It astonishes and perplexes Levi; you simply walk up straight, never glancing back.

You wanted to return back, and you reasoned that it would be safer if you locked yourself in your room and hide. You’re hoping they won’t find you there.

You securely exited the building where the party is being held. There were no people wandering around outside, and it was really peaceful. It’s dark and eerily quiet.

You are presently riding a carriage back to headquarters. You couldn’t stop thinking about what were you going to do. You have a lot of thoughts running through your head, and it scares you.

You holds your hand together as it still tremble, thinking, Aunt and Uncle what am I supposed to do now?

After you arrive, you walk straight towards your room. But your body shivers as you sense someone following you; never looking back you quicken your pace, which scares you even more because no one else around the place. It was quiet and dark, only you could hear is the footsteps hastily approving you from behind.

Damn it!

When you get to your room catching your breath, you swiftly open and lock the door. You lean against the door to hear what’s going on outside.

It was quiet you even heard your heart pumping so hard in fear, but then suddenly you hear footsteps slowly walking away. You're breathing becomes heavy at this time.

I have nowhere to go. No matter where I hide, they will find me.

You sigh heavily; relieved that the man who had been following you had gone. You turn around and walk towards your bed, taking off your shoes.

I will apologize to him tomorrow for leaving him there out of sudden. You sat down on your bed; the room was dark, with only moonlight providing illumination.

Suddenly you felt something cold in your neck, and you gasped aloud as you heard, "Found you." You heart began to race. After hearing that familiar old voice, you shiver with panic and are powerless to move.

What else could you do if you were on the verge of death with a knife aiming at your neck?

You loudly gasp and even hold your breath in fear when he deepened the knife in your neck making a cut on it. You felt a liquid flow from it, and then you heard him chuckled. "Finally, the predator found its prey."

Am I going to die here? Is this my end?

You gulp dryly as he plays with your hair with his free hand and even sniffs it, sending thrills down your spine.

"Don't worry; you'll see your family soon. I’ll make it quick and painless for you.” You close your eyes, tears streaming down your cheek.

You're feeling completely helpless and hopeless. You regret leaving Levi; you thought you should’ve stayed with him.

"Y/N? Are you there?" When you heard Levi’s voice behind the door, you snapped your eyes open. Hearing him made you feel relieved.

You took a long breath before elbowing the man behind in the face, causing him to tumble back away from you and giving you the opportunity to sprint to the door.

You unlock the door just in time, but the man behind you grabs your hair and pulls it back. You groan in pain and you try to fight him off, but he is stronger than you.

You’d come to halt when he drew the knife back into your neck and yanked your hair back so you could face the door as it opened.

Levi saw you, his eyes widened. He was startled looking at your situation. Behind you, a man clutching your hair and thrusting his knife at your neck, and tears are streaming down your face.

"Oh? It doesn’t look like you’ve changed at all. It's nice to see you again, midget." The man behind you said, laughing evilly. Levi’s eyes darken as he sees the man behind you threatening your life, he exclaimed,

"Let her go, Kenny."

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now