Chapter 29

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You were perplexed as to why your handcuffs were removed. As they leave, you took a stand and you look at Erwin frowning.

You don’t know what’s going on. He only smiled as though nothing had happen. You just remain still, unsure of what you should do.

“Come with me,” he urged before turning around and walking away. You were so perplexed that you turned to look at Kenny, who simply smiled and urged you to follow Erwin.

You remain silent as you continue to follow him in the back. You’re thinking a lot right now, and you’re tempted to ask, but you’ve decided not to.

You two come to a halt in front of the unfamiliar door after walking around the inside of the building. You watched him as he open the door, and you two entered.

You look around feeling so nervous, your eyes widened as you saw the man you’d been hoping to see.

With a big smile on his face, he stares at you. “Levi…” you said as you raced over to him and wrapped your arms around him.

“I’m glad you’re all right.” You mumbled under your breath, relieved to see him alive. You were on the verge of crying with excitement.

“I have no idea that you came back to the scouts regiment and pleading with them to save me. I never imagined you would go such lengths just to save me, even if it meant surrendering. I’m happy that you came to talk with Erwin; if it weren’t for you, I’d be dead. Thank you…I assure you everything will be fine now. You’re all right now.”

He murmured this to you as he cradled you in his arms. You silently gasp as he says it to you. You abruptly look at Erwin in surprised. He was only standing there looking at you two.

You didn’t know that he actually believed in you. You thought he didn’t, and it makes you hopeless in an instant, but he did.

“Commander, I thought--,” you were about to say, but he cuts you off and stated, “You’re the person I’ve been looking for, and I didn't know that it was you. I was still a cadet when I learned it, I know they have something hidden after the massacre they committed against your family, which is why the higher annihilated your family so the truth would not be revealed."

You stare at him surprised as he said it to you and you merely listen to him. He continued, "And now that you’ve survived and made it this far, we’re going to make a change. We can be at the advantage from what you know about mankind outside the walls, so Y/N, can you tell us more about the Marley?”

You were stunned in your feet, unsure of how to react or even what to say. You felt Levi hands clutching on yours. You turn to look at him, as he smiled and said, “Tell us everything, you can trust us.”

Everything your family has done to protect you, including sacrificing their lives, is now paying off.

You’ve found the person you believe will bring the change your mother desired. You smiled back at him being so grateful. They have found and saved you.

Are you seeing this mother? Can you see the changes that are about to happen, because I am seeing them now.

“Y/N!” Sasha exclaims as she dashes towards you and hugs you tightly. “Thank goodness…” You groan in pain as Mikasa came and wraps her arms around you. They both hug you, causing you to wince in pain.

You’re still wounded and haven’t fully recovered from your injury and bruises.
You tried to escape from their embrace as it causes you pain, but they were too happy seeing you to notice you’re pain.

“I…” You tried but failed. Levi approached and pulls them two away from you, which you exhaled heavily. You’re grateful as Levi was there. Thank goodness.

“That’s enough.” He says which causes the two to grimace. He ignored their glare and focuses solely on you. “Stay here with them; I’ll be back after we settle everything okay.” He then said to you.

You smiled and nodded in response to him. He was about to kiss you on your lips, but you stop him with your hand since it feels awkward in the presence of Mikasa and Sasha.

He merely appears to be pouting in defeat. You chuckles as you gently nudge him, you stated, “They will be waiting for you.” Before leaving, he gives you another glance and he said, “Don’t leave here okay, and you two don’t do anything stupid to her.”

You watched exited the office and close the door. With a sigh of relief, you exhaled deeply.

Everything will be fine from here on out. To make a change, they’ll put a halt to all the government is doing and enthrone the true ruler of walls.

You sat down on the couch as they seated next to you. They were being so clingy at this point, and it was making you feel a bit uncomfortable, it was too much and you weren’t use to it.

“I’m sorry…” You heard Sasha muttered. You turn to face her just to find her crying. You utterly gasp seeing her like this. Did I do anything?

“I’m so sorry…” he apologized once again at you. You were uncertain of what she was sorry about.

“After you left and left us the letter you made, it made me really upset. You didn’t say anything before you left, and I felt guilty about it. Don’t do it again, Y/N.” She continued as you stare at them.

You look at Mikasa trying not to cry as much as Sasha did. You make them worry and it makes you feel hurt seeing them like this.

“I’m sorry; I just thought that it was for the best.” You replied, as Mikasa exclaims instantly. “Clearly, this isn’t the best thing to do!”

You were startled and you even flinch as she exclaims. You look at her surprised. “Mikasa, don’t shout.” Sasha sobbed.

You laugh as you stared at them, spreading your arms to hug them both. You’re happy now because everything will finally come to at ease. They return the hug. You murmured, “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”

You smiled, grateful, because you never imagined, the choices you’d taken would end out this way. You were about to lose hope, but not, until you join the scouts and meet them.

A/N: Next will be the last chapter. Thank you for reading.

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