Chapter 2

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You open the door of your room and saw Sasha and Mikasa, you roommates since joining the scouts, are sleeping on their beds.

They were all shocked when they found out about your marriage, especially when you told them you were marrying Levi. Since the marriage is very exclusive, they won’t be able to see it, it’s better not because it’s just a contract.

You walk silently to your bed and carefully lie down so as not to wake them or disturb their sleep.

Just as you were about to close your eyes, you suddenly heard, “Why are you sleeping here, you should be with your husband.”

You snapped your eyes wide open, unexpectedly seeing Sasha running towards your bed, slamming her body and hug you tightly.

“Congratulations on your wedding Y/N, you’re now part of our family.” Mikasa smiled as she said.

Because of them, all the sad and hurtful things that have happened to you have faded. You were fortunate to have them both in your life; they were great friends.

They have no idea that the marriage is a contract, and you hope they never find out. You’re worried that if they do, they’ll despise you for being so self-centered.

For training, you get up early. After changing your clothes into your uniform, you exited the room and proceed to the dining hall for breakfast.

The expedition will take place in the next two days, with the remaining days serving as training.

This will be your first expedition with Levi. You were a member of Hange’s team before being chosen for Levi’s squad. You were chosen alongside with Mikasa and Sasha.

“Good Morning, Mrs. Ackerman.” You turn to look at Sasha who greeted you with a smile on her face. You looked all over the place for Levi but couldn’t find him.

Your marriage to Levi was quickly dispersed. Perhaps everyone in the dining hall had already heard the news.

You sat down next to them and took a bite of your meal. “Y/N, why didn’t you inform us about your wedding? We wanted to be there and see the lovely Y/N on her white dress.” Jean teased you, and they all began to taunt you.

They’ve started to irritate me; could they just eat quietly? It’s embarrassing.

It would be even more embarrassing if they discovered the marriage was arranged and forced Levi to marry you.

You merely eat your breakfast, oblivious to their taunts, but you sat up straight reflexively as Eren remarked, “Your husband is here.”

You turn to look at the door and see Levi stepping inside with Hange by his side. You honestly expected him to look at you, but he didn't.

It made you felt sad when he just walked pass your table and were headed towards Erwin.

“What the…did he just ignore you?” As you gaze remains fixated on Levi, Connie whispers to you. You smile at him, ignoring your agony and say, “Maybe he didn’t see me.”

You sigh deeply when you notice he isn’t wearing your wedding ring; well, what do you expect, it’s not important to him; perhaps he throws it away straight after the wedding.

“If we didn’t know about your marriage with Levi, I’d believe Captain Levi and Section Commander Hange were dating.” Sasha uttered, causing you to cough and almost choke from the food you were eating, and you drank water as if you didn’t hear it.

“Yeah, I see them together all the time.” Connie agreed with Sasha. You felt sorry upon hearing it, and you, too, believe what they believe about Levi and Hange; you’re just not sure, but it appears that everyone here inside believes the same thing about them always being together.

“What are you two talking about, can’t you see Captain and Y/N are married, don’t get to any conclusion.” Mikasa said to stop them, and they immediately apologized to you.

You cast a glance towards Levi and Hange, thinking it’s possible.

As Mikasa stated, I shouldn’t jump to any conclusions. They’re just close, and that’s all there is to it.

You all go to the training grounds after breakfast to begin your training. You throw a few glances at Levi, who was watching monitoring you all from afar. As you were practicing with Mikasa, he never looked in you direction.

Returning your gaze to Levi, you noticed Hange already on his side, and they were conversing about something, but you were taken aback when they both looked to your side, shit they caught me.

Just as you were going to look away, it happened so quickly that you found yourself lying face down on the ground, pinned down by Mikasa.

You look back to where Levi and Hange , they are already disappeared. Wait, where are they, are they talking about me? You heaved a heaving sigh.

“Y/N, tell me. Are you really married to Levi; it seems like you don’t love each other and it so sudden. I didn’t see you two together before, plus he doesn’t have ring?” She asked you causing you to gasp and left you stunned.

You remain silence finding right words to say. She extends her hand to assist you n taking a stand. You took it in stride and rose to your feet.

You wipe the dust off your uniform and smile bitterly to her. You hesitated to tell her, but you did, “We’re married, but it’s an arrange marriage.”

You hear her gasp in surprise, and she even covers her mouth in utter astonishment, “What, why’s that?” She looked at you, puzzled, as she couldn’t believe what she had just heard from you.

“My family made an arrangement with him because he was an Ackerman; my family wants me to marry an Ackerman.”

You explained to her, her lips parted hearing your explanation, she then exclaimed, “You’re telling me that you marry him because he’s an Ackerman not because you love him?”

You cover her mouth immediately because she was raising her voice, and you don’t want others to know your reason.

“Please, Mikasa, keep it a secret, I’m begging you.” You beg her still covering her mouth. Damn, why is this Mikasa is so clever?

She gently pushes your hand away and says, “I thought you two loved one other, and just hiding it from us.”

You sigh and chuckle at her, but she just looks away, dissatisfied. Is she genuinely expecting that to be true? “I do, I really love him, but please keep between you and me, please…”

She looked at you and closes her eyes before sighing, “Okay, I’ll keep it. I just thought to myself if someone was going make an arrangement for me to marry someone.”

You just look at her as she said that, maybe she was thinking because she’s an Ackerman as well.

After the training you gather for announcement from Levi.

“Tomorrow is last day preparation, is all of the equipment ready for the upcoming expedition?”

He looked at you as you saluted him with Sasha, because you two are the ones in charge of cleaning and inspecting all the gears. You said to him, “Yes, Captain, everything is ready,” and he just nodded.

“Come on, Y/N, drop the Captain; after all, he’s your husband.” Jean teases you, which Levi hears it. You swallow anxiously as you saw Levi cast a gloomy glance on Jean beside you, who is now tremble in terror.

They were all afraid of him, even myself, and with the exception of Mikasa, they were related after all.

“Take it seriously, Jean Kirstein.” Jean saluted nervously responding to Levi. Damn, who isn’t scared of Levi? He is truly terrifying. I can't even look at his eyes.

You simply listened to Levi’s announcements, and after a while, he dismissed everyone.

Since Levi is walking in a separate way, you walk beside Mikasa back to the head quarters.

You were curious as to where he was heading, and you wished to accompany him, but you knew better not to.

He doesn’t want to be with you; perhaps he’s having a regrets about marrying you right now.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now