Chapter 3

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There was a dinner gathering for all the scouts the night before the expedition. You were on your way there just as Levi exited from his office.

You were about to take a step backward, he notices you. You awkwardly wave your hand and smile saying, “Uhm…Hi.” He just looks at you before shifting his gaze to the person at your behind calling his name.

“Levi…” You turn around to see Hange waving her hand and sprinting towards you two.

As she notices you and got closer, she wrapped her arm around your shoulder and dragged you along with her.

“Good evening, Mrs. Ackerman, what are you waiting for? Dinner is ready. There’s plenty to eat tonight.” You just let her pull you over and you sensed Levi following as you walked together.

As soon as you came, all eyes were on you, so you nervously laughed at Hange and gently pushed her away, saying, “I’m okay Section Commander Hange, I’ll-,” you were about to protest, but Hange shoved you into the chair, leaving you with no choice.

“Just call me Hange, and since you’re Levi’s wife, why don’t you join on us?” You look at Levi, who was now seated next to Erwin and one seat away from you.

“I’m fine, Hange, I’m-,” and you were stopped off once more when she placed a dish full of meat on your plate.

“Eat a lot, Y/N.” You stared at it for a moment before exhaling deeply. You don’t have much of an option but to dine with them.

Damn, this place has a strange vibe to it. I wish time could pass more quickly. I’m desperately to leave this place.

“Y/N, it may be too late, but congratulations on your wedding.” You lifted your glance on Erwin and simply smiled.

You moved your focus to Levi, expecting him to react, but he just sat quietly eating his dinner next to him. You reasoned that he may despise your presence among them.

You’re just listening to Hange, who is currently being extremely talkative, even before, when she is still your squad leader, she is really like that.

When you look at Levi, you found him being so attentive to her, you felt envious. You’d never expect him to be like that. It made you sad.

What if I didn’t agree marry Levi, would he still despise me?

“So Y/N, can you tell us about your wedding? We’d like to attend but we can’t. How was it?” You gaze at her, anxious, and wonder if they were aware that it was a contractual marriage.

“It…It was good.” You hesitantly replied, you don’t have any words to explain about the wedding. It made you feel so anxious that they were questioning you about it.

“Don’t talk about it Hange.” You face Levi after hearing him say it. You hear Hange groan in distaste to Levi’s remark. When they began to dispute over it, you remained silent.

They were usually arguing, but they have known each other for a long time, which makes you envious. You want to leave, but you don’t want to be rude towards them by doing so.

They longer you stayed with them, the more envious you became, wishing you hand that kind of relationship with Levi.

You took a stance to excuse yourself after you eventually finished your meal. Hange is staring at you, her lips pouted.” You nodded to her and started to walk.

You halted when you heard Hange once again, “What are you doing Levi, and you should go with her.” You turn to look at them, and waiting a response from Levi.

He looks at you and then asked; “I know she can handle herself, right Y/N?” when you heard that, it stuns you and leaves you speechless, so you only respond with a nod to him. You excused yourself once again and take your leave.

You head outside for some fresh air, and you just take a walk alone in the dark. It is very quiet since the people are inside the dining hall.

While strolling, you look up at the sky. The sky, with it’s many starts and a lovely moon, has mesmerized you.

You suddenly remembered your family. You’ve been missing your mother, father, brother, and everyone else. You wish you could go back in time and see them again.

“Y/N…” you almost scream in surprise as you hear your name from behind you. When you turned around, you see Mikasa approaching you, an as she approached you, you two began to walk together.

Because Mikasa is with you, you’re no longer alone. “Why did you leave already, they’re having good time there.” She said as you two walked aimlessly.

“I’d like to go for a walk before I go to sleep; were going on our expedition tomorrow, you know...” you reasoned, but the truth is that you don’t feel belong there.

“I can see earlier, Captain isn’t treating you well. You should’ve married someone better than him.” She took a hold of her scarf around her neck. You notice her carrying it with her wherever she goes.

“He has the right to be that way, and I understand it since it’s a contractual arrangement. There’s no other than better and stronger than him, remember I married him because he’s an Ackerman.”

You felt her look at you, then sigh. “But you love him even if it’s only an arrange marriage.” She muttered almost in whisper.

She’s right; I’ve loved him since then, still not good because I forced him to marry me despite the fact that he doesn’t feel the same way.

“Mikasa…” you called, and she hummed back, looking at you as you inquired, “Am I being too selfish?”

Even if you asked, you already know to yourself on what is the answer of it, but you want to hear what Mikasa thinks about it.

She looks away and pouted her lips, “How can you say yourself being selfish? It’s your family who made the arrangement for your marriage; they have their reasons for wanting you to marry and Ackerman; it’s not like you forced them to marry Levi. You aren’t selfish”

You’re mistaken, Mikasa; I’m selfish; all I want is him and all I want is my safety; yet, hearing it from her makes me feel enlightened at the very least.

It makes me feel happy, and it makes me feel so lucky to have her. Whatever happens to me she will be on my side, and I will treasure our friendship till the end.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now