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You open the door of the office, and walked inside. You’ve finally made a full recovery and regained your strength.

It was already late in the evening. You notice Levi at his desk. He raised his head and he look at you in the eye.

He gives you a warm smile as he stares at your face. You look at him, and give him a quick smile. You averted his gaze and continue to walk heading to the bedroom.

He took a stand and approached you, he asked, “Is there something wrong?” You reached for the door and slowly open it; you turn around to face him. You said, “Everything is good.”

You smiled to him. He now looks at you in austere gaze that he always wears back then. You gulp dryly to witness this looks of him again. You haven’t seen this in a long time.

He raises his hand as he tucks you hair behind your ear, making you shiver in his touch, he whispered, “Everything is not good, tell me,” his gaze wandering before coming to a halt on your lips.

When he cupped your cheek with his bare palm, you flinched. “I…don’t have anything to say,” you replied and tried to push him.

In response to your actions, his eyes twitch and he grimaces. “There’s something you’re hiding, and I can see it in your eyes.”

You turn to look away avoid his eyes. He takes a hold of your chin and guided you to face him; you met his gaze once more.

He suddenly met your lips with his, startling and stiffening you. With his hands around your waist, he gently pushes you inside the bedroom while brushing his lips on yours. It made you surprised but you return his kiss and encircle your arms around his neck.

The kiss continued to grow deeper as you walked towards the bed. You loudly gasp when he pushes your body with his on the bed.

He leaned in closer as he hovered on top of you. You look at him surprised. “You’re my wife, and you shouldn’t keep anything from your husband,” he muttered as he stared intensely into your eyes.

“I’m not hiding anything.” You whispered back at him. He traced his fingers gently on your lips feeling the warmth of his body against yours.

The sensation is different as well as the looks of his eyes that is staring at you intently. He was desperate, desperate for something.

He pressed his lips against yours once again, you didn’t resist. He kissed you hungrily, and aggressively brushes his lips.

He moves down his lips towards your neck, and gently nipping it causing you to shivers from the unfamiliar sensation.

While Levi continued to kiss your neck, you stare towards the ceiling. He then moves his hand over to your body, touching them with so much care.

The feeling makes you forget everything, your problem and anything else. The sensation is just beautiful, can’t help but falling in love with it.

It’s fine right? It’s fine to give in. Just this once…I want to give in.

Your eyes welled up and tears streamed down your cheeks. You even gasp when you realize you’re crying. Levi notices it and immediately looks at you with worried face.

“What’s the matter? We can stop if you don’t want to.” He then said at you as he wipes the tears that flow from your eyes.

You shook your head as you took his hand in yours and placed it on your cheek, allowing you to feel the warmth of his palm.

You close your eyes curving a smile for him before you open your eyes to stare back at him.

You love him and yearned for him. You didn’t say anything; instead, you reached for his neck and drew him closer to you to kiss his lips, assuring him that it was fine and letting him know that you want him as much as he wanted you.

He stripped you of your clothes and left you naked in front of his sight. With lust in his eyes, he stares at your body. It reveals how desperately he desired you.

“Levi…” you finally muttered as his stares made you feel shy, you were naked in front of him and you’re feeling embarrassed. No one has ever seen your body that is why this feeling is new to you.

He takes off of his clothes; you looked away seeing him fully naked. He repositioned himself on top of you, holding your chin and drew them back to see your bare face. He kissed your lips back, understanding your shyness, so he kissed you tenderly.

He placed himself between your legs; he looks at you as you give him the nod telling him that you are ready.

He then said, “Just say something if gets intense.” You utterly gasp as you felt his full length within yours. It hurts but it was fine and it feels great.

You hug him tightly wrapping your legs around him as he continues to move. Moans and grunts are all over the place. You get butterflies when he grunts against your ears.

It is wonderful, and you don’t want this feeling to fade away, it’s really beautiful. He gives you the love you’ve desired.

You don’t want it to end; you want to stay in this place forever. You shared the night with passion and care for each other, and that made you extremely happy.

You awoke early in the morning to find Levi asleep with his head buried against your neck and his arms warmly wrapped around you. It was the best morning you’ve ever had, waking up next to him.

You sat down after moving his hands away, but you were startled when Levi wrapped them around your waist again and pulled you closer to him, this time tighter than before.

“Y/N, don’t leave me.” He whispered making your eyes widened, you look at him surprised. He was still sleeping; you stare at him and took a sigh. Well sleeping more isn’t a bad thing. You smile as you watch him sleep next to you.

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now