Chapter 28

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Kenny walks down the palace’s corridor. “Theresa!” The woman he called turn around and face him. As she waited for Kenny, she smiled warmly.

“Are you on your way to the conference room?” He inquired of her. She softly nodded and replied, “Yes, and I assume you as well.”

The two of them continue to walk, and he can’t stop himself from looking at her. She was too beautiful to ignore. Since the first day they worked together here at the palace, he has admired her.

“Is your daughter fine now?” He inquired about your health because you had been sick for a few days and your mother was worried.

She smiles as she looks at him. “She’s fine now, thanks for your help yesterday; she wouldn’t have gotten better if it hadn’t been for you, thank you for the medicine.”

Kenny laughs shyly as he scratches the back of his neck. As they keep walking and have their talks heading to the conference room, someone approach them.

“Mr. Ackerman, the higher-ups is looking for you.” Kenny frowned in confused after hearing it. He excused himself to Theresa and take his leave.

Theresa only stares at them as they leave, it made her confused as well but she only ignores it and she continues to walk.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Kenny was furious as he looks all the documents placed on the table. He couldn’t believe on what he’d just learned.

“We couldn’t find out where she had previously lived or who her parents were. There is no information on her. She’s a spy Kenny, and we need to kill her before everything blows up. If we don’t keep things hidden, everything will fall apart. This is something that humanity cannot know.”

Kenny slammed down the papers on the table. Hearing all of this enraged him. “So you want me to kill her?”

The people inside the room look at him, and he already know what that looks mean.  He added, “She can’t be a spy, she has family, daughter and there’s no way she could betray us.”

When the head took a stance and slammed the table, they were all taken aback. “Whether you like it or not, you’re going to kill her and her entire family, because they were threats,” the head says, motioning his subordinates to follow him.

Kenny was the only one left in the room. He sat down and brushes his hair in utter frustration. He looked down the floor not knowing what he should do.

Kenny had lost his desire to serve the royal family after the late king passed the founding titan to his niece, Frieda.

He leaned back in his chair and cocked his head to the side. He couldn’t believe what he was learning about Theresa.

She was good, but he can be sure that everything mentioned in the documentation makes sense.

Kenny had previously suspected her of being suspicious, but he simply ignored it thinking it's nothing to worry, and now all of her secrets have been revealed.

They began carrying out their plan late at night. Even if he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have a choice because he is merely a follower.

He murdered Theresa, her husband, and everyone else in their mansion, but you were the only he didn’t kill since Shiela and Martin had escaped with you.

After that happened, it was the last time he had seen in the palace, he left without leaving any letters.

He only disappears instantly. He felt regretful now that he had done it. He will never forget Theresa’s expression before he kills her. She was terrified.

Because of the regrets he was feeling over killing your mother, he had vowed himself to protect you. In this way, he can make atone for what he did.

Pursuers are always after you, but he was there to protect you and silently kill them before they could reach you. Since then, he’s been keeping an eye on you.

You only drop your jaw and listen with your eyes wide open while he tells you his story. You couldn’t believe on what you’ve heard. You look at him with so much surprised, you weren’t expecting anything like this.

“I never thought you’ve been protecting, you even almost killed me numerous time.” You grumbled, staring at him incredulously.

He only chuckles as he looks down. You look at him; you were surprised as you saw him agonizing even though it happened long time ago, the anguish was still there.

You couldn’t even be angry with him even he killed your family. He was only doing it because of his duty. You finally understand now.

“My mother is a Marleyan, she was sent here to spy and collect all data, but instead of returning to Marley and spilling what she knew here on Paradis Island, she opted to dwell here. She loves this place, and never returned to her family.” You said, pausing before taking along breath.

“She was trying to tell the king about Marley’s plan but she was afraid that if she told them the truth of her identity, we might be killed so instead she chose to remain silent until you guys uncover her truth,” you added.

You remembered everything as you were with your mother, how happy she was living here, with you. She was living a happy life here. Kenny gives you an astonished face.

“What do you mean?” He asked confused at you. As you replied, you returned his stare. “Rather than betraying you and everyone else here, she betrayed her homeland. She chose to stay here because of my father; she loves him and wanted to be with him.” You can see in his eyes that he was in utter surprised.

Later, he turns away and smiles bitterly. He looked down on the floor as he said, “So she never betrayed this Island,” You softly nodded even he couldn’t see you responding to him.

You saw him took a sigh. You have no idea what he was thinking right now, but you can tell he was in misery because he knew the truth. “Before I killed her, I should’ve listened to what she was trying to convey…”

He was in deep regrets right now after learning everything from you. Kenny remembered, how your mother pleaded with him, but he chose to ignore and killed her.

You only remain quiet next to his cell; you understand what he was feeling right now. “I’m sorry…” you heard him whispers. You know it wasn’t his fault, but things can’t be undone, they’ve already happened.

It’s been two hours since you’ve been locked up there. When you hear someone approaching your cell, you look up.

As soon as you saw Erwin, you were taken aback. He only stares at you, and you feel nervous as you return his gaze. You don’t know why he came here.

You shivered as you were thinking why he was here, in addition to his cold stare. You gulp dryly as the MP open up the door of your cell.

Wait, am I going to be executed today?

A/N: Hello everyone, this story is nearing its end, with only two chapters remaining. Thank you for taking time to read this.

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