Chapter 9

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You fix your gaze on the dress that has caught your attention. The color is purple that is so beautiful and elegant. You wonder as to how it will look in you.

"Have you found yours?" Mikasa asked, approaching you holding a black dress. "That dress." You said to her as you point the dress you had been staring.

She looks at it and was also impressed, "It's beautiful. You have excellent taste." You shrugged and returned your gaze to the dress.

"It's too beautiful for me; I guess I'll find another dress." You said which makes her pout and look at you. "No, I'm sure it'll look stunning on you, trust me."

She grabbed the dress from the shelf and handed it to you. You were hesitant at first, but it drew your attention and you wanted to have it.

You left the shop after paying for the dress. "The dresses are all beautiful; I'm having trouble deciding, but I finally got one." Sasha said as you all made your way to the food stall. You and Mikasa simply followed her to wherever stall she went to.

"It's great that midget asked you to be his date for tomorrow night's party." You nodded to Mikasa smiling at her. "I never thought that he would ask me, but it's good that I now have a date for tomorrow. It made me really happy."

After a time of loitering, you took a seat on the bleachers, exhausted, while Mikasa went with Sasha to the store to buy some pie.

You choose to stay and wait for them outside because it exhausts you. Sasha is exhausting to be with; she has a lot of energy and really eats a lot. You stay there as you sit watching people walk by.

"Y/N, it's good to see you here." You turn your head to see Hange walking towards you with stuffs in her hand. "Hange..." She sat down beside you and sipped on her drink.

"It's really wonderful here inside the wall Sina, all people here are dressed elegantly. Are you here to shop for a dress to wear for tomorrow's party?" She inquired.

You nodded in response to her, you then said, "Captain told me to dress well, so I did buy one since I don't have any dress in my closet."

"That is great; I was worried that Levi wouldn't ask you; I was bugging him about it, and I'm happy for you."

You furrowed your brows as you look at her. So that someone he meant is Hange. "I hated him for not treating you better, woman should be treated right and I'm glad he listens to me finally."

You just look at her as she talks to you, she is funny, energetic, beautiful and very kind, you can see now why Levi fell in love with her.

After awhile you saw Mikasa and Sasha exited the store and we're heading towards you. Hange stretches herself and took a stand, "I'm going now, see you at the party." She waved her hand goodbye as she walked away.

"Oh, she left already?" Sasha asked looking at Hange. "Yeah." You said as you stood up. "It's getting dark, let's go back." and you three walked back to the headquarters.

"It was very a fun day, I'll be returning soon; the food there is so good, especially the pie; I've never eaten anything like that before." Sasha happily commented as you three entered your room, as you finally arrived.

You slammed your body on your bed, saying, "Glad you enjoy," as you buried your face on your pillow. "I really am."

You ignore the both of them as they have their talk. You're pretty tired right now, and you wanted to sleep. Right after you close your eyes, you immediately fall asleep. Just by walking around it really makes you so tired.

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