Chapter 12

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You slowly open your eyes, taking in the sunlight streaming in through the window. You wake up feeling so comfortable, you've never felt this way before, even when you were in your room with Mikasa and Sasha. It's different here.

You furrowed your brows, confused as to why you have the blanket covered in you; you remember putting it on Levi last night. Did I take it back while I was sleeping?

You took a stance but were still confused. You bathed and changed into your uniform. You open the door and head outside the bedroom.

You almost jump in surprised when Levi throws a broom at you; instinctively, you catch it with your hand. "Your duty is to clean this office, make it spotless."

You blinked continuously, comprehending what he had just said. Levi watches you as you remain motionless holding a broom.

"Do I have to repeat and explain myself in order for you to understand?" You snapped hearing him said it. You then replied, "No, Captain."

You watched Levi walk back to his table, still having a load of paper work. You start sweeping the floor. You furrowed your brows as you swept, thinking to yourself, it's already clean, it didn't need to be clean anymore, is he really that clean freak?

Levi raised his head to look at you, his gaze falling on your perplexed expression. He then said, "Oh, I nearly forgot. Take a breakfast first, everyone will freak out if you die of hunger."

You stand up straight, you saluted him before you walked away, headed for the dining hall. You breathed in relief as he remembers that you needed breakfast before starting your task.

As you entered the dining hall and get your food, you look for Mikasa and others, and there you saw them. You sat down beside Mikasa and took a bite of your bread.

"So, how was your first night with Captain?" You almost choked with surprised as Sasha asked you out of sudden, and even Mikasa by your side were startled. What the hell, I'm eating here silently.

"It's quiet good, the bed there is big and comfortable to sleep in." You said bluntly after recovering yourself. You drank from the cup of water.

Sasha grin as she uttered, "How did it feel to be in Captain's bed, and should I expect a baby girl?" You choked on the water you were sipping once more. Why did this keep happening to me?

"I merely slept on his bed and he slept on his desk, we didn't do anything so stop speculating everything." You said irritably.

Armin and the others laugh heartily, as if it was very funny. You regretted eating with them; you thought that you should've stay there and cleaned the entire office without eating.

"What do you mean, you sleep apart? You two are married you should be together." You pause thinking about what she said, she's right though but it wasn't real, everything and the marriage it's only in contract.

"He's a busy person, he's a Captain, and so he is busy doing his work." You replied which she nodded, and finally she understood.

"Did he do anything wrong to you?" You turn to look at Mikasa at your side. You smile and shook your head. "No, he didn't do anything. Thank you for the concern."

She took a deep and sighs, then she said. "That's good, just let us know if he's treating you badly at any time, okay?"

You can't help yourself but to be grateful, I'm so lucky to have Mikasa she always care for me, what did I do to deserve this, even when I'm being so selfish.

You head back now to Levi's office after you have your breakfast. You walk inside and you can't see him around. You were left wondering on where did he go.

You pick up the broom from where you left it before and get back to cleaning. You wipe the shelves, staring at all the books placed there, and you couldn't believe that Levi loves to read books. He has so many collections of books.

You meticulously clean the area around the books, being cautious not to damage them; for fear that Levi treasures them. You will, without a doubt, die instantaneously if you ever damage them.

You clean the couch and feel envious because you don't have any in your room with Mikasa and Sasha.

To have this kind of things, I should make myself Captain. You chuckled to yourself, as you had a new dream in your thoughts.

You wipe the window with care because it was delicate and you didn't want to shatter it, eliminating the dust to make it spotless.

You spent your entire day cleaning his office. As you tidy his desk and organize all of his documents, something catches your eye.

You opened the drawer and you saw something shining inside. You're eyes widened as you saw the ring.

So it's here, you thought he'd thrown it away, but he didn't. Even if he didn't wear it, you were content to see it in his drawer since you knew it was there and safe.

The door unexpectedly opens, startling you, and you quickly close the drawer hard and loudly. Levi only stares at you, as you slowly walked away his desk when he was approaching his desk.

You tighten the grasp on the rug in your palm as he pauses to look at the drawer. You gulp down all of the nervousness you were feeling. You're terrified when you see his austere expression. You can only hope he didn't notice.

He open the drawer and stare inside, oh no, I'm a dead meat! You flinches when he shifted his gaze on you, you stare back at him as he slowly close the drawer.

He then wanders his eyes in your finger which is now holding a rug. You don't know that he was looking at the ring if you're still wearing it; he now looks away after finding it in your finger.

"What are you doing still standing there, go get me another tea." He commands, you quickly took his empty cup right away and headed outside.

You sighed a huge sigh of relief as you slowly closed the door to his office. That was a close call.

Levi sat down and opened the drawer again, he took the ring inside. He just stares at it taking his time to watch the glittering ring on his hand while you're not around.

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