Chapter 27

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You’ve arrived at the headquarters. You jump off from the horse and immediately run inside. You don’t care happens to you after that; all you worry about is saving him.

You keep running in search for the man you’re looking for. You believe he is the only person who has the power to change things.

“Y/N?” Mikasa was taken aback when she saw you. You reach out and hold her shoulder. “Did you see Commander Erwin?” When you ask her, she nodded hesitantly and said he was in his office.

You began to walk again, and she kept up with you, matching your pace. “What are you doing here, why are so many people searching for you, and what do they mean when they say you’re a spy?”

You simply ignore her when she bursts forth; what matter to you now is Levi. You arrived to his office, opened the door, and walked in.

You searched for Commander Erwin and found him at his desk, conversing with Nile, the Military Police Commander.

They were all startled when they saw you. You salute Erwin right away, before they can haul you away. You must do it now, or it will be too late.

Commander Nile had his subordinates restrain you, as you had seen. “I’m here to surrender but I have something to tell you,” you exclaim and your gaze was drawn to Erwin.

Erwin was confused as he looked at you. The MP, on the other hand, pins you on the ground, making you gasp and groan in anguish. They then put both of your hands in handcuffs.

Mikasa gasp in surprised but she can’t do anything to stop it. “Wait, let her speak.” Erwin said. You’ve got a light hope in your heart as soon as you heard him say it.

“Wait, Erwin, she’s under arrest, I’ll take her right away,” the two MPs lifted you up, which causes making you wince in pain.

You’re hurt and weak, so you can’t resist them, but you do want to tell them everything; you’ll use this opportunity to save Levi.

Erwin ignored Nile and approached you. The MP pushes you to the ground, forcing you to drop your knee.

You put up with the throbbing ache in your leg. “Erwin!” As Erwin kneeled in front of you, Nile yells once again.

“Tell me, what is it?” Erwin asked at you, you stare at him before you breathed deeply. You’re going to spill out everything what you know. It is now or never.

“I’ll tell you all I know and in exchange, send back up to save Levi. He was fighting inside the Wall Sina.” You said to him. He looked at you with his brows deeply furrowed.

He then asked, “Who’s fighting Levi?” He asked making you frustrated. He was so relax making you irritated. You don’t want to waste any time.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, I’ll surrender, and tell you everything what you want to know, all I want is for you to save him; if no one comes to save him, he’ll die.”

“That’s bullshit, hurry and get her up, we’re going back to our headquarters.” Nile said but Erwin halted them by raising his hand.

“Okay, I will, so tell me what you know.” You felt so relieved when he decided to listen to you. You close your fist and face him up determined.

“There’s still humanity outside, my mother told me everything about what’s going on outside this island, about who the enemy is, why there’s titan, and what the people of Marley wanted on this island. That’s all I can say for now, if you want to hear more, Levi.” You said.

They are silent while you said that, but Nile laughs later as if it was amusing to hear and it made you left speechless. Your heart starts to beat fast never expecting their reaction.

“Do you think we’re going to believe you? Get her!” They drag you over and tug you against your will. You were taken aback, and if they don’t believe you, it’s over.

You expected them to believe you once you told them the truth especially Erwin, but they don’t.

You pleaded with them, “Wait, I’m telling the truth, please save Levi,” but it didn’t work. As they take you away, Erwin and Mikasa merely stare at you.

Kenny is right, even if you tell them everything, nothing will change, and this is exactly what will happen.

So no one will believe me. Is Commander Erwin not the right person? Did I choose the wrong decision? Why do I keep failing?

You stop struggling after realizing everything. You can’t save Levi anymore. You don’t know if he was still alive or not.

You don’t know anymore. You stare down as they continue to drag you; there’s no sense to fight any longer. I’m sorry, Levi, I couldn’t save you.

It’s a total chaos. Levi is wrong, everything will not be fine, and things are just going to get worse.

You remained silent until you got at the Military Police headquarters. There’s nothing you can do but let yourself be dragged by them. You’re now losing hope, there’s nothing left on you.

You arrive at the jail, see other inmates inside, and it is creepy, but who cares, you’ll be executed soon.

After hearing them unlock the cell, you raised your head. Without taking the handcuffs in you, they push you inside; you wince in pain as you stumbled on the floor. You only look at them as they locked the cell and leave.

You struggled getting yourself up. You tried to take a seat on the floor even you're badly hurt.

You squatted on the floor after a long struggle. You took a deep sigh. It’s painful to see yourself in this situation.

All the sacrifices your family made to protect you were in vain. They went to great lengths to protect you, but in the end, you’ll end yourself here in the jail. It’s all for nothing.

You even dragged Levi into your mess. You don’t know if he’s fine or not. You utterly close your eyes in frustration.

You let out a heavy sight, dejected. “So they captured you, huh?” You turn to face that man instinctively. You loudly gasp seeing him here sitting on the floor next to your cell, handcuffed with battered face.

“What happened to Levi?” He asked. You look away feeling so guilty. When he saw your reaction, he merely nodded.

He went on to say, “That midget would find a way to survive.” You’ve made your way over to look at him. You could see him smile, but it wasn’t a taunting smile like he always does, it was a genuine smile.

“I know he will because I raised him, and I taught him how to survive. So don’t’ worry about him; instead, focus on yourself; you’ll be executed in the following few days.”

You know you’re about to die, but you only hope for Levi. This is what more important to you, you have nothing in mind but him.

As long as you don’t get any reports indicating he’s dead, he is alive and fine. You believe Kenny’s words that Levi will find a way to survive, and you hope he does.

You stare at him and asked, “Why did you help us?” He returns your glance for a little moment before averting his sight and smiling again, as if recalling something beautiful from his past.

You could only stare at him as he reminisced about everything. He then said still smiling, “Your mother and I are supposed to be friends.”

Married to Ackerman (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now