Chapter 6

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You awoke unusually late in the morning. You hurriedly walk outside, rushing towards to the training ground because you had overslept and were worried about the punishment you would suffer for being so late today.

“How come Mikasa and Sasha didn’t wake up me up? Darn it!” Turning at the corner, you finally saw them having their training.

You nervously approach Levi, who is now looking at you intently as if you’ve done something horrible to him, well you did.

You gulp dryly as you reach him and did your salute to him. “Captain, I’m very sorry for being so late, I…” You pause when he cuts you off, “I will be your partner today’s training for punishment.” Eh? Wait, what?

You look around to see them looking at you with pitiful face, even Mikasa and Sasha. You can see in their eyes that they feel sorry for you.

It is Levi Ackerman, the humanity strongest soldier. I am hundred percent no match for him. I should’ve have wake up early.

You look back at Levi who is now standing in front of you. You terribly close your fist; you know it will be a very painful training.

“Fuck!” you groan and writhe in pain. You stumbled on the ground, using your trembling hand you tried to take your stand even you’re in so much pain.

“Is that all you’ve got, Y/N?” You turn your head to Levi just to see his terrifying face, which fills you with dread. You’re in total pain and scared.

You’ve been beaten up for nearly an hour. Even the scouts paused just to watch you and Levi fight. What do they expect from you, you, putting on a show for them? He is extremely strong, and your strength is far inferior to him.

You took a sit, having no strength to stand up; it’s my fault, that I am subjected to such treatment.

Levi raises his head just to see scouts watching you two, and he madly exclaimed, “What are you doing? Get back to your training!”

Everyone got startled, and immediately continue their training. Levi look at your terrible state, so he commanded Mikasa, “Mikasa, bring Y/N to the infirmary.”

“Yes, Captain” Mikasa exclaims as she walks towards you. You turn around to see Levi, but he has already walked away and left.

You sigh in defeat, looking at your terrible state. “God, Y/N, I am so sorry we didn’t wake you up, we never thought it would turn out like this.” She whispered to you as she helped you to stand on your ground.

“No, it’s not your fault, I’m to be blame because I didn’t get up early enough even though I knew we had training. So yeah, I kinda deserve this,” You said to her laughing at her.

She only gave you a troubled look and sigh deeply. After a while, you arrived to the infirmary. You two enter the room and walk towards the empty bed. She assists you in sitting on it.

Later, the nurse began to treat you, enduring the pain you got from combating with Levi. “Mikasa, just go back there, I can handle myself here.” You said to her and give her your smile.

“Are you sure?” She asked, making assurance to you. You nodded which causes her to sigh. She said her goodbyes and take her leave. You just remain silent as the nurse attends to your bruises.

“How did you get them all?” She asked. Wincing, you replied, “It’s a punishment from Captain Levi, because I arrived late in our training.” She paused and stared at your face for a while, making you feel uncomfortable.

She then nodded as if she had understood something, and you could tell by her expression that something had enlightened her. “You must be Captain Levi’s wife?” She asked, making you dumbfounded.

You nodded in response to her, “I knew it. It seems like when it comes to training no one is exemption.” She added as she returned to treat you. She’s bandaging all of your bruises in your hand right now.

“But it’s different with Section Comm…” She looks at you terribly after saying those words, as if she’s made a big mistake.

You simply smile at her as you said, “Suspicious right, it was like there’s something’s going on with those two.”

After curing you, she put back all the tools she used in the box. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t bring this matter up, but don’t worry it’s not confirm. You shouldn’t worry about that.” She said to you smiling to make you feel better.

“It was nothing, by the way, thanks for treating me.” You thanked her. “You can stay here to rest if you want.” She offers but you shook your head in response. “I’m all better, thank you.”

You slowly close the door of the infirmary, you wanted to stay there and rest, but you knew it would bore you. Even the bruises still hurt you, you walk heading back to the training grounds.

However, as you were ready to cross the corner, you overheard a conversation. You came to a halt and leaned against the wall, closely listening to them.

“What do you mean, Hange?”When you hear Levi’s voice, you gasp silently and cover your mouth with your palm in surprised. It’s him no doubt.

“Listen, Levi, I can’t meddle in someone’s life, especially a married one. You are already married to Y/N. Don’t you think about how she’ll feel is she finds out about any of this? Did you consider the idea that might be hurt?”

After hearing their conversation, your hands fall to your sides. It hurts you to hear any of this. Levi did finally confess to her. “It’s just a marriage contract, nothing is real. Come on, Hange.”

“Levi, stop it now. It is not good.” You just look down, closing your fist and fighting back your tears. You then heard footsteps that suddenly came to stop.

“What’s not good, about me being in love with you? Tell me how you feel about me, Hange.” The surrounding becomes silent.

You’re waiting on what will Hange going to response. Even though she didn’t say anything yet, you already knew the answer.

You silently laugh at yourself, you idiot why you’re still here, just to hurt yourself? After all this time, it’s them.

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