The Incident.

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The world lay silent as a gentle breeze fell upon those soldiers standing upon its soil. The earth grew cold on this side of the planet was about to set in. Temperatures were expected to drop to minus 40 Degrees Celsius, the soldiers here were not natives of this planet. Indeed, only a few humans lived here and these humans are heavily outnumbered by the local wildlife and Terran wolves that had adapted and evolved to life here on this planet many thousands of years ago... These soldiers were wearing the uniforms of the Wehrmacht and they were sworn soldiers of the Kovenant Empire... Sworn to serve and protect the Empire she her people againts all threats and to follow any directive for the betterment of that state. These are the soldiers of the Kovenant Empire.

The men and woman of the 87th Vrinngrenadier Regiment.


(Meanwhile. At a nearby open field.)

Conrad Wiking and his men had just gotten off of their Dropship no less them 3 hours ago. They had deployed alongside their Platoon and Company... The rest of the Regiment however wasn't deployed yet. They were still waiting up in orbit and Conrad's Unit was to serve as a Vanguard.

Right now, the Company had secured a landing zone and Conrad's Platoon had been sent to secure a large piece of land, that land being a 5-kilometer by 5-kilometer open field located close by to where Company HQ was located. Their goal here was to help with securing an area in which the rest of the Regiment could land. In this case; taking up defensive positions to defend and act as an early warning to the others.

Conrad Wiking was walking towards the abnormally large foxhole that he and his had just dug. With him, was his second in command; Bruno and both men were coming back after having a chat with the Platoon commander Lieutenant Skrosamzy.

As they reached the foxhole, Conrad couldn't help but smile as he saw his men.
Conrad then said.
"Alright Vrinngrenadiers, feel free to break out your food stuffs. Well be having our lunch here before we move out. Forward reconnaissance Lieutenant Skrosamzy said. We travel light."

Conrad's men then looked at him - He knew each of them well, including his second in command Bruno.
All of their names and personality he knew...

Chloe... Jojo... Michael... Bernhard... Bruno... Susie... Pearl... Dian and Jonas...

The first person to speak was Dian. Dian lit up another one of her cigars and asked. "Should we bring our Half-tracks or are we huffing it on foot?"

Conrad replied.
"We'll bring our vehicle of course... Don't want to travel too light for our own good. We'll be driving 7 kilometers North of this position to see if there is a nothing noteworthy to report to Regimental command."

Dian them inhaled some smoke before blowing it out of her mouth.
"Sorry sir, but... Can I ask why the Hell we're here? In this ancient battlefield and graveyard?"

Conrad replied with a slightly annoyed tone.
"Well... The 87th was sent here because of an unknown anomaly detected here. According to those Technomansers of the Cult of Hephaestus, they were detecting a massive surge in psychic energy in the area and its been increasing over the past few months. So, its our job to investigate it and report back... Which is why we were sent here heavily armed."

Indeed the anomaly has spooked the Technomansers and they were worried that something is wrong... The fact that it was happening here; in Eistvan 3 of all places... Also added to the fear...

The Squad had a good look around them, looking at their surroundings. They saw nothing but the landscape of Ivan 3 after the battle that was fought here untold millenia ago. The landscape of Ivan 3 was predominantly barren rock covered with large bodies of ashen wastelands, forming dunes of "Grey dust" as the troops called it, all over the surface of the planet as well as the surface being dotted with massive 500 meter deep and 600 meter wide craters with water at their base... The remains of orbital bombardment strikes...

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