A new House.

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A few days have passed since the reclamation of the city from the Archedians and in those days, all of Northern and South Western Keralia are up in arms, whatever small outposts and garrisons were left have been driven off by the people and though few battles occurred, a great many skirmishes was all that was needed in order to drive them out of the region. All of whom immediately fled and joined their comrades in Eastern Keralia. This was a stunning victory and boost of morale for Torni, his men and the people, who now see Torni and his Kovenant Allies from beyond the Gate, there was still much work to be done, but Torni and his men have proven that they can be reliable and responsible for the defence of the people.

Even now, towns, villages and other cities are celebrating with vast ammounts of drinking and eating, vast quantities of food being consumed in ecstatic celebration and praise.

In the City of Moonia, Torni had taken up residence in the city hall and had made it into his headquarters and office. The past few days have heen rather busy but Torni was very much motivated to get as much work done as possible --- Particularly, organizing his forces with the sudden influx of new recruits, volunteers were coming to the fold and many of them still needed training, weapons and they all need to be organized.

But there were many other important subjects that need to be addressed, such as the establishment of Torni's wartime government, the management of the war chest and keeping up a good public image.
Right now, such matters were occupying his time in his new office, formally the office of the Archedian governor.

With him, sitting down on various chairs arranged infront of Torni's office desk, were gathered representatives, sent to represent and give a voice to the people in these dangerous times.
But not only were there representatives of the people, but also members of the local Keralian aristocracy. Powerful men and women who hold sway in local Keralian politics. But there were also gathered representatives from many other local towns and smaller cities.

All were gathered here to meet with Torni, so many in fact that many extra seats had to be brought in for everyone as they waited for the last arrival.

The door swung open behind them, loudly enough for Torni and the other gathered representatives to look over to see who it was and though Torni smiled, the others simply looked upon her with curiosity, a woman with fair hair and fair skin, walking towards them with a confident look on her face.

General Engel approached and said.
"Torni, I am to represent the Kovenant Empire in this matter. To all the gathered representatives in this room, my name is General Angela Engel. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

With that, the General started shaking hands with the men and women gathered here.
Receiving the warm smiles of a grateful set of people. These men and women were glad to know that the Kovenant sent its own representative.

With all gathered, Torni stood up and said.
"Excellent! Now that everyone is here, we may begin the discussions of the day... After which, we will feast in this building, as I'm sure you are all hungry by the end of it."

At this, the Aristocrats chuckled. Recognizing that Torni knows about their taste in wine and food. As well as appreciating the kind gesture from the liberator himself.

With that, Torni pulled down a chart, which had been set up by the window and as he pulled out down, Torni grabbed a simply walking cane and used it to point out the words written upon the large sheet of paper.
Torni said.
"As you know, with the liberation of Moonia from the Archedians and the expulsion of Archedian forces from Northern and South-western Keralia, our primary concerns are the Archedians entrenched in Eastern Keralia and internal affairs."

Torni turned and said.
"As of now, those Archedian forces in Eastern Keralia are being held at bay by a number of factors, 1st among these would be the forces of the 87th Vrinngrenadier Corp and various militia forces acting as guides and skirmishers in support of the larger Kovenant forces... However Archedian forces are still massing in their thousands, more and more Divisions are coming in day by day, transported and supplied by the vast Archedian Train network. I estimate that an attack will come, one who's scale, I feel would attack the whole breath of the front to find a weak point."

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