Oolu Village.

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As the Kovenant forces approached the Village and as the residence of Oolu looked on from their windows, behind curtains and the corners of buildings, the Kovenant soldiers felt perhaps a little tense. They were approaching a village who's inhabitants may or may not be in league with their enemy, considering this is enemy territory, those fears were not unfounded. For all the Kovenant knew, the Archedians could have whole Infantry formations and bases nearby. However, since these were civilians and they haven't fired at them yet, the Kovenant soldiers started to enter the village itself, though to appear less threatening, the Squads that did it were to dismount from their vehicles and approach on foot instead. The plan seemed to have worked as the men and women gathered to meet with them let their own guard down.

Lieutenant Skrosamzy looked at his remaining men and said.
"Set up a security cordon! Let's give ourselves some security!"

With that, those squads and vehicles that remained started to surround the village, creating a security ring all around to prevent enemies from getting into it, as well as to send a message that they were dead serious. That they were not to be trifled with.

The squad that was to make first contact was Conrad's squad, accompanied by Lieutenant Skrosamzy as well as protected by their Ubersoldat ally: Garseri Lockheed.

"Let me do most the talking." Garseri said.
"I have taken time to learn some of their language. I will simply relay what they say to you and vice versa."

"Very well. I'd like to avoid any bloodshed here, we're only here as scouts." Lieutenant Skrosamzy said.

The Villagers gathered ahead of them then started to speak in a language they couldn't understand. Everyone except Garseri Lockheed.
The older men, village elders in presentable clothing, were the first to speak up and as they were talking, Garseri Lockheed translated it for his comrades.

Garseri said.
"He said 'We do not wish to fight, you have showed what you are capable off when you dispatched of the local Archedian National guard units nearby, we are a humble village with many families, we surrender this place and offer no resistance. We only ask that you not destroy anything nor harm any of our own... We are ready to accept your terms.' - How do you wish to proceed, Lieutenant?"

Skrosamzy replied.
"Tell them that we will be needing their assistance, specifically by providing as much information as possible, they are to surrender any hiding enemy soldiers to us and they are to provide us with maps, information, intelligence regarding the locations of other towns, the roads, rivers, anything related to geography. Oh and while we're at it, tell them to give us a dictionary of sorts, best to try and learn their language..."

The Lieutenant crossed his arms and continued
"It's also likely that the rest of the Regiment will use the same roads to get here... I'll radio ahead telling General Engel that we have managed to secure the surrender of a nearby village. After they provide us with information, we will be occupying this place a little while. Waiting for the rest of the Regiment."

Garseri turned to him and said.
"I thought you said this was a reconnaissance mission, Skrosamzy. Why are we occupying this place?"

The Lieutenant replied.
"Because Herr Garseri, it seems to me that we can get the information we need here. Besides, securing a town by setting up a temporary garrison and securing the cooperation of local leaders will help future operations In this place. Securing it as a junction for supplies or as a headquarters so close to the Gate. Setting up an FOB nearby also wouldn't hurt in the long run."

With that, Garseri turned and translated all that was said to the gathered village leaders.

Though, Skrosamzy and his men could see that the gathered village elders were somewhat nervous, speaking to the fully armored "monster" that was Garseri Lockheed. This was to be expected, after all these people have never seen the Kovenant before, much less an Ubersoldat.

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